A discord bot that lets DJs update wjtb.njit.edu easily.
Announce that you aren't doing your show.
Optional day of the week.
Useful in case you have multiple shows on different days, but not strictly nessecary.
Opposite of /notdoingmyshow
Dislay some information about a show.
The name of the show, case insensitive.
Like /displayshow but displays information about the currently playing show.
Note: to run this command, you need the tulip-admin
Add a show to the database.
The name of the show.
Human readable list of hosts.
All of the discords of the hosts. If there are multiple, seperate them by one :
Discords should be in this format: NameOfPerson#1234
Important: Discord names are case sensitive.
Human readable description of the show.
Path to a poster on a website.
Day of the week the show runs on. Ex: monday, tuesday, etc.
Time the show starts at. 12 hour time and 24 hour time are both accepted.
Time the show ends at. 12 hour and 24 hour time are both accepted.
Note: to run this command, you need the tulip-admin
Remove a show from the database.
The name of the show, case insensitive.
Note: to run this command, you need the tulip-admin
Gets a property of a show.
The name of the show, case insensitive.
The name of the property you would like to get.
The valid properties are:
['name', 'desc', 'hosts', 'poster', 'discord', 'start_time', 'end_time', 'is_running']
Note: to run this command, you need the tulip-admin
Sets a property of a show.
The name of the show, case insensitive.
The name of the property you would like to get.
The valid properties are:
['name', 'desc', 'hosts', 'poster', 'discord', 'start_time', 'end_time', 'is_running']
The new value of the property.
This will accept 12 hour or 24 hour time for properties that accept a time.
For discord
, seperate each discord handle with a :
accepts true
or false