VAGU Cinema player provides a simple responsive video player
for desktop and mobile devices that can be easily integrated into your solution.
- Fixed a number of visual bugs;
- Melted adaptive for extra small screens (0-425px);
- Added option to change playback speed.
- The main functionality in build 0105.21 focuses on desktop solutions, therefore some mobile familiar functions are missing;
- There is no function to change the speed of video playback;
- There is no possibility to embed subtitles;
- There is no possibility to rewind video by double-clicking on screen areas on mobile devices;
- The video player does not have the ability to display a slider for serials (perhaps you were looking for a player to implement functionality for serials, at the moment our solution does not provide such an opportunity).
The video player is a separate html page that is embedded in your solution using the <Iframe>
1. Clone or download zip archive from this repository;
2. Copy the contents of the project to a place convenient for you in the project;
3. In index.html file find <source src="./src/video/test1.mp4" type="video/mp4"> and change the corresponding fields to default video and video type;
4. If you plan to change the video quality, go to the config.js file and follow the instructions in the comments;
5. The file test.html provides an example of implementation into your solution.
* Key - the value of the element during processing
The first element of the array is a visual description of the option on the screen
The second parameter of the array is the path to the desired file
e.g here:
const qualityOptions = {
"1080p": ["1080", "./src/video/test1.mp4"],
"480p": ["480", "./src/video/test2.mp4"]
- Providing playback of any video;
- Convenient embedding through one tag into any solution (framework, native application);
- Mobile responsiveness;
- Ability to change video quality.