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ecimd2 - Erlang/OTP CIMD2 Client

Build Status

ecimd2 connects erlang applications to Nokia SMSCs via the CIMD2 protocol.

Supported Operations

  • login
  • submit
  • deliver_message
  • deliver_status_report
  • alive

Other commands will be supported in the future versions.

OTP Version

Required: OTP 18 and later


ecimd2 can be added as a dependency via

{deps, [
  {ecimd2, "0.0.8"}

Then include ecimd2 in your application's .app.src file

{applications, [


Calling ecimd2:start_link/1 will start a connection to the SMSC. The following options are available inside a map as a parameter:

  • name - If provided, the internal gen_server will be registered with this name. see gen_server:start_link/4
  • callback_mo - Module and function tuple to be executed when a mobile originating message has been received
  • callback_dr - Module and function tuple to be executed when a delivery receipt has been received
  • host - Hostname or IP address of the Nokia MC
  • port - Port of the Nokia MC
  • username - Username of the account to login
  • password - Password used to authenticate with the username
{ok, C} = ecimd2:start_link(#{
   host => "",
   port => 16001,
   username => "cimd2client",
   password => "password",
   callback_dr => {mymodule, myfunction}

Sending SMS

SMS messages are sent by calling ecimd2:send_sms/6. The function parameters are as follows:

  • Connection - Process identifier of the ecimd2 gen_server returned by ecimd2:start_link/1
  • AccessCode - Access code assigned to the remote SMSC. This will serve as the originating address if there's no Sender defined
  • Sender - Number or alphanumeric mask to be set as the sender of the message
  • Destination - MSISDN that will be receiving the message
  • Message - UTF-8 encoded message
  • Options - An optional map with the following keys:
    • cancellable - Determines if the message can be cancelled or not
    • tariff_class - Tariff code to be used for the message. This is usually MC specific
    • service_desc - Service description to be used for the message. This is usually MC specific
    • status_report - Flag of the cases when the status report should be returned
      • 0 - No status reports
      • 1 - Temporary error
      • 2 - Validity period expired
      • 4 - Delivery failed
      • 8 - Delivery successful
      • 16 - Message cancelled
      • 32 - Message deleted by operator
      • 64 - First temporary result
    • priority - Priorty of the message (0-9). Lower value means higher priority
Ids = ecimd2:send_sms(C, <<"12345">>, <<"TestSender">>, <<"+639473371390">>, <<"Hello">>).

Return Type

The send_sms function will return a list of message id tuples:

[{message_id, MessageId}]

MessageId is a (binary) string that was associated to the submitted message in the SMSC. Since CIMD2 lacks a message identifier in it's protocol, the MessageId returned in the function is a combination of timestamp and destination address from the submit operation response parameters.

UCS2/UTF-16 Support

Messages that are outside the standard GSM 03.38 character set are automatically detected and encoded with UTF-16. This includes emojis.

Long Messages

Long messages are automatically concatenated when they exceed the standard 140 byte limit.