ESIGELEC Library is a Library Management System (LMS) developed in C# using WPF and WCF technologies aims to help librarians to manage and control the transactions in a library. -- Only Admin can access to this application.
-- Basic informations regarding LMS are as follows;
Username : admin
Password : admin
#Menu *Manage - Profile : to create new profiles and edit the profiles. - Plan : to make a plan/schemes for the members enrolled in library. - Member : to register new member infomation and edit it.
- Book : to enter the information of books that should be available in library.
- Purchase : to enter the purchase details of the books.
- Book out : provides the information of the books borrowed by the members.
- Book In : Provides the information of the books returned by the members.
- Book Wish : to create a wishlist of member and desired book that should be returned by other members so that they can take it from library.
- Member Report : Shows the member details who are enrolled to the library.
- Book Out Report : Shows the report of book that had been borrowed by the member.
- Stock Report : Provides the information of the books that are available in the stock.