Item Effect plugin for PocketMine-MP
Property | Description | Default |
id | The id and meta of the item | 351:1 |
countdown | The waiting period of the next use of the item in sec | 5 |
consume | Allows to have only one use per item | false |
message | Adds a message each time the item is used | null |
effect | Adds a effect |
#The id of the item that will add the effects
#The waiting period of the next use of the item in sec
countdown: number
#Allows to have only one use per item
consume: true or false
#If you don't want a message put null
message: null or "message"
#The id of the effects
#Allows you to add the time in sec to the effect
durability: number
#Allows to add a specific force to the effect
amplifier: number
#Allows you to set yes or no particles to the effect
visible: true or false