This project is a javascript bytecode decoder for mozilla spider-monkey version 34.
This version may decompile jsc file compile by cocos-2dx.
It would not work for different version of Mozilla spider-monkey (without shell of course), for its opcode defined different for each version.
##2.1.Install PHP and Composer
If you are familiar with php, you can skip this part.
install php7.0
# ubuntu
$ sudo apt install php7.0
# mac
$ brew install php7.0
# windows
# just google an binary one
install composer
install this project
$ cd path/to/project
$ composer install
##2.2.decompile *.jsc file
$ cd path/to/project
$ php run.php *.jsc > path/to/decompile.txt
#if this didn't work, you can also try below command to get the bitcode
$ php scan.php > path/to/scan.txt
This project is not complete yet.
- A Fatal Bug was found when decompile with a deep context
Decompile result is not a runable file. Some local variables are auto generate, for the compiler discards local variables.