A streamlined project management app that strips away excess functionalities and focuses on simplictiy of user experience. This application was built using React, Express, Node, and Chakra UI.
- Ability to quickly add tasks on dashboard page
- Speech recognition (Digital Assistant) available on all pages
- Navigate to new page
- Create new tasks or projects
- To access this feature, use " Shift + ` " to start speech recognition
- To stop using speech recognition, use " \ "
- Multiple views for diplaying Task and Projects
- Trello Board View
- List / Detail View
- Edit task or projects details easily by clicking on them
- Message board to communicate with members of your team
- Ability to opt-in to text notifications
- Minimalistic dark theme design
cd frontend
Install dependencies with
npm install
npm run start
Server should be hosted on http://localhost:3000/
- @chakra-ui/icons: ^1.1.7
- @chakra-ui/reac": 2.0.0-next.0
- @coreui/coreui: ^4.1.3
- @coreui/react: ^4.1.2
- @emotion/react: ^11.9.0
- @emotion/styled: ^11.8.1
- axios": ^0.26.1
- bootstrap: ^5.1.3
- moment: ^2.29.2
- natural-drag-animation-rbdnd: ^2.1.0
- next: ^12.1.5
- react: ^18.0.0
- react-beautiful-dnd: ^13.1.0
- react-cookie: ^4.1.1
- react-dom: ^18.0.0
- react-router-dom: ^6.3.0
- react-scripts: 5.0.1
- react-speech-recognition: ^3.9.0
- web-vitals: ^2.1.4
cd server
Install dependencies with
npm install
Copy the .env.example into a .env file and update all fields accordingly
TOKEN=[Twilio Token]
Resets, and seeds the database for development/testing.
npm run db:reset
- body-parser: ^1.20.0
- chalk: ^2.4.2
- dotenv: ^2.0.0
- express: ^4.17.1
- morgan: ^1.9.1
- pg: ^8.5.0
- twilio: ^3.76.1
- React
- Express
- PostgreSQL
- Chakra UI
This application was created as a final project for Lighthouse Labs' Web Development Bootcamp by Vince Emond, Dylan Pirrotta, and Pablo Tack.