A word processor built with HTML, CSS, and CoffeeScript. The current goal of Poe is to have a working word processor base. Then loading and saving will be implemented. This application is following Writer Concept by spiceofdesign on DeviantArt.
The application is under heavy development. However it is hosted for a demo on Github Pages.
npm install -g coffee-script
npm install -g bower
To begin run make build-deps
. This will use bower to download jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap. Alternatively if you are just building for OSjs you don't need bootstrap. You can use bower install jquery
Then compile for the platform you would like.
//Compile for use on web server
make standalone
//Compile for OS.js
make OSjs
In order for the application to work you will need a http server or allow your browser to make cross-origin requests. I use python for a simple http server to develop the application
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Open the browser and navigate to the server or index.html page if you enabled cross-origin.
The package will be located in Poe/Poe-OSjs
In order to then use it copy the package folder into your local copy of OS.js to OS.js-v2/src/packages/default/
then run the server from inside OS.js-v2 folder
~/OS.js-v2$ node src/server-node/server.js dist-dev
The documentation can be generated using codo.
//Install codo
npm install -g codo
//Generate docs
make docs
The documentation is stored in doc
Poe has only been tested in Google Chrome at this time since it is being used in the development process.