Videogame digital key webpage where you can filter videogames with the various options provided. You can later modify the amount of items of each unit and check-out to proceed with the payment.
git clone https://github.com/Vikms95/react-shop-cart.git
cd react-shop-cart
npm install
npm start
- Do my first project which incorporates React, Typescript, TDD and react-router
- Establish an ESLint config for future use
- Be able to spend my time to make this project portfolio worthy
- Use different git tools to solidify what I've learnt on previous lessons
- Establish a good testing architecture combining unit and UI tests
- Using react-router
- Passing setState as props to change state from parent component
- Check library documentation to look up the code logic and get to use its functions in a better manner
- Typing props and function parameters with Typescript
- React
- Jest / Testing-Library
- react-router
- Typescript
- ESLint
- Make app aware of what is being rendered and what is not
- Figuring out what to test on my components
- Setting up Typescript strict mode
After further reading, saw that passing setState directly as props is not good practice. Refactor to encapsulate setState within a function and then pass that function as props
Set loading animation upon loading (after further reading, I should try doing it with a HOC https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2020/06/higher-order-components-react/)
Set "No results found" message when no results from the API are given
Fix ImageSlider animation to be smoother
Fix video scaling or use another one with better aspect ratio
Add infinite scroll by making a bigger request while scrolling down the page
Apply light forms background like in : https://filext.com/file-extension/RULES
Add more tests to make sure some components have certain elements rendered
Clean CSS using variables or add styles-components/MUI
Use the context API or HOC's
I've seen that using setInterval inside a function is bad idea..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KvlQDYDZwY&list=WL&index=51&t=263s
White squares on the bottom of Homepage
Alternative to video on homepage ? Use font with video on the background -> Idea - Buy your videogame keys, EASIER, FASTER (slight fade in from up top)
Buttons nav too big
Add hover styles to shopping cart button + hamburguer + search + adjust padding
Game items look missaligned in some cases
Work on checkout, allow users to decrement and increment items from there, use sticky for the checkout element?
Find a way to make images load on lower resolution, add a background so the white gap cannot be seen while loading
Add genre and platform filters
Add infinite scrolling - Intersection observer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCHdFiCgOSE&list=PLV8x_i1fqBw0B008sQn79YxCjkHJU84pC&index=5&t=2753s
Zooming breaks the layout
Add to cart Item button shows up from below the dropdown whenever its opened
Check if any state can be avoided by calculating it out of the merging of other states
Pull out the component any reusable constants (put them above the component)
Use typeof operator insteaf of booleans to type check
Use unique keys for my mapped elements (assign id or href)
Use tip 5 for the exports/modules (he calls it barrel) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KvlQDYDZwY&list=WL&index=51&t=263s