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Releases: Viincenttt/MollieApi

Mollie API

25 Feb 19:57
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New features:

  • Add support for the AllowedMethods property on PaymentLinkRequest/Response
  • Add support for the Reusable property on PaymentLinkRequest/Response
  • Add support for the profileId parameter when deleting a payment link

Mollie API

19 Jan 15:12
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New features:

  • Add Voucher to the list of payments methods
  • Added Categories property to the PaymentLine class.
  • Added Issuer property to PaymentRequest class.
  • Moved OrderLineDetailsCategory to VoucherCategory, as it can now be used by both the Order and Payment API.

Technical improvements:

  • Make currency codes constant strings instead of static strings, so they can no longer be changed: #403
  • Replace FluentAssertions with Shouldly, due to FluentAssertions changing their licensing model for future versions.
  • Reduce flakyness of integration tests using a Polly retry mechanism on 429 errors.

Mollie API

12 Nov 07:33
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New features:

  • Exception messages have been updated to provide more helpful guidance when OAuth-specific parameters (e.g., ProfileId or Testmode) are used with an API key.
  • If an OAuth-specific client is used in combination with an API key, a targeted error message is now generated to prevent confusion.


  • Move testmode parameter from query string to request body on CaptureClient.CreateCapture

Mollie API

29 Sep 08:36
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New features:

  • Add support for the CustomerId property in the SubscriptionResponse class.


  • Fix issue where it was not possible to set a ApplicationFee on a OrderRequest, because the ApplicationFee was on the wrong level. The ApplicationFee property should now be set on the OrderRequest.Payment.ApplicationFee property level.

Mollie API

17 Aug 06:51
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New features:

  • Add support for the cancelUrl, method, locale and testmode properties when updating a payment.
  • Improve support for multi tenant setups, where the API / access key is not a static value. Example usage:
    When registering dependencies:
builder.Services.AddMollieApi(options => {
    //options.ApiKey = builder.Configuration["MySecretManagerMollie:ApiKey"]!;
    options.RetryPolicy = MollieHttpRetryPolicies.TransientHttpErrorRetryPolicy();

Custom secret manager for multi-tenant setup:

public class TenantSecretManager : IMollieSecretManager {
    private readonly ITenantService _tenantService;

    public string GetBearerToken() => _tenantService.GetCurrentTenant().ApiKey;


  • Set PaymentLinkResponse.Amount property from required to optional nullable, since it possible to create a PaymentLink without an amount.
  • Change OAuth authorize URL from to Big thanks to @fjbender for the PR
  • Update all links still pointing to to

Mollie API

10 Jul 17:49
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New features:

  • Add support for the new Get PaymentLink Payments endpoint in the PaymentLink API client.
  • Add support for the BillingAddress property on PaymentRequest.
  • Add support for the ShippingAddress property on PaymentRequest.

Technical improvements:

I've received feedback regarding the usage of the required parameters I've added in version 4 of the library. In general, the reception has been positive. However, I've also received feedback from @martijnmelchers and @JoKeKt that it makes the library difficult to use when creating payment method specific PaymentRequest objects. A common use-case is to create payment method specific PaymentRequest objects using a switch statement on a payment method. However, since certain properties are now required, it was necessery to repeat these properties in the switch statement, resulting in a lot of duplicate code.

I've implemented a solution in the form of a constructor overload on all payment specific PaymentRequest objects that you can use to avoid this code duplication. An example can be found here

Mollie API

07 Jul 08:26
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New features:

  • Added support for the Archived property on the PaymentLinkResponse class.
  • Added support for updating payment links through the new Update payment link API method.
  • Added support for deleting payment links through the new Delete payment link API method.
  • Added support for refunding split payments using the new ReverseRouting and RoutingReversals properties.
  • Updated the list of available payment methods to include: Trustly, Twint, Satispay, Riverty, Blik, Bancomat Pay, Bacs direct debit and Alma.


  • Payment method specific details were previously set to be not-nullable. The user @martijnmelchers reported that the API can return null for these properties. Payment method specific response classes have been updated to reflect this. For example, the CreditCardPaymentResponse.Details property is now nullable.

Mollie API

30 Jun 06:45
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New features:

  • Add support for the new order lines functionality in the Payment API


  • For some HTTP status codes, such as 409 and 429 a HttpRequestException was thrown instead of a MollieApiException. This has now been changed so all non-succesfull HTTP codes throw a MollieApiException, so catching exception is slightly easier.

Mollie API

07 Jun 06:49
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Breaking changes:

  • Updated various namespaces of request and response models so they match the folder structure of the project.
  • Updated the BalanceClient.GetBalanceTransactionListAsync and BalanceClient.GetPrimaryBalanceTransactionListAsync methods to use a ListResponse type instead of a custom response type, so they are consistent with other API clients.
  • Removed the optional retry policy parameter from the Mollie.Api.DependencyInjection.AddMollieApi extensions method. A retry policy can now only be configured through the MollieOptions.RetryPolicy property.
  • Renamed all API clients to consistently use singular names. For example, the ChargebacksClient has been renamed to ChargebackClient.
  • Renamed the BalanceClient.ListBalancesAsync method to BalanceClient.GetBalanceListAsync so the naming is consistent with other API clients.
  • Renamed the CaptureClient.GetCapturesListAsync method to CaptureClient.GetCaptureListAsync so the naming is consistent with other API clients.
  • Renamed the ShipmentClient.GetShipmentsListAsync method to ShipmentClient.GetShipmentListAsync so the naming is consistent with other API clients.
  • Renamed the PaymentClient.DeletePaymentAsync method to PaymentClient.CancelPaymentAsync so the naming is consistent with the Mollie API reference.
  • Renamed the RefundClient.CreateRefundAsync method to RefundClient.CreatePaymentRefundAsync so the naming is consistent with the Mollie API reference.
  • Renamed the RefundClient.GetRefundListAsync method to RefundClient.GetPaymentRefundListAsync so the naming is consistent with the Mollie API reference.
  • Renamed the RefundClient.GetRefundAsync method to RefundClient.GetPaymentRefundAsync so the naming is consistent with the Mollie API reference.
  • Renamed the RefundClient.CancelRefundAsync method to RefundClient.CancelPaymentRefundAsync so the naming is consistent with the Mollie API reference.
  • Moved the OrderClient.CreateOrderRefundAsync and the OrderClient.GetOrderRefundListAsync methods from the OrderClient class to the RefundClient class to be consistent with the Mollie API reference.
  • Created payment method specific return types when creating a mandate for a specific payment type. For example, when creating a PaypalMandateRequest, the response will now be a PaypalMandateResponse that can contain PayPal specific information in the PaypalMandateResponse.Details property. For a full list of payment method specific mandate response types, take a look at the updated documentation of the MandateClient.

New features:

  • Enabled nullable reference types in project. All models now indicate which properties are nullable and which properties are non-nullable. This means you no longer have to lookup this information in the Mollie API documentation.
  • Added the required keyword for request properties that are required by the Mollie API, so you cannot forget to initialize required properties.

Mollie API

31 Mar 08:01
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New features:

  • Added support for the following properties in the PointOfSalePaymentResponseDetails: CardNumber, CardFingerprint, CardAudience, CardLabel and CardCountryCode. These properties are only available if the payment has been completed.
  • Added support for the optional landing_page parameter when retrieving a authorization url from the ConnectClient. The optional landing_page parameter allows you to specify if Mollie should show the login or the signup page, when the merchant is not logged in at Mollie.
  • Added support for the RegistrationNumber, VatNumber and VatRegulation properties in the OnboardingOrganizationRequest class, so it is now possible to specify these properties when onboarding a new organization.
  • Added support for the RedirectUrl, CancelUrl and WebhookUrl properties in the OrderUpdateRequest class, so it is now possible to specify these properties when updating a order.
  • Added support for setting your own custom idempotency key when sending requests to Mollie. This is supported for all API clients and methods. Example usage:
PaymentRequest paymentRequest = new PaymentRequest() {
	Amount = new Amount(Currency.EUR, "100.00"),
	Description = "Description",
	RedirectUrl = DefaultRedirectUrl

using (_paymentClient.WithIdempotencyKey("my-idempotency-key"))
	PaymentResponse response = await _paymentClient.CreatePaymentAsync(paymentRequest);

Technical changes:

  • Downgraded Microsoft packages from version 7 to version 6, because some users reported issues when deploying to .NET6 Azure Functions hosts.
  • Marked all JSON converters and factory classes that should only be used internally within the Mollie.Api package as internal instead of public.