Personal Portfolio Website
- Next.js
- React
- Tailwind CSS
├── .next # Project and build configurations
├── node_modules # Modules install by NPM
├── public # Static public assets and uploads
│ │
│ ├── favicon.ico # ico of website
│ ├── VictorCanas.pdf # CV Resume
│ ├── projects.JSON # JSON file for projects
│ │
├── src # Folder/Application source code
│ ├── anaylics # Folder
│ ├── assets # Folder
│ ├── components # Folder
│ | ├── about # About section of website
│ | ├── contact # Contact section of website
│ | └── footer # Footer section of website
│ | └── header # Header section of website
│ | └── nav # Nav section of website
│ | └── projects # Projects section of website
│ └── module/auth
│ ├── pages # Folder
│ | └── index.js # Server application start point
│ ├── index.css # CSS global stying
├── app.json # configure heroku
├── firebase.json # configure firebase
└── jsconfig.json # refernce root Javascript files
└── netlify.toml # configure netlify
└── next-sitemap.js # sitemap for google
└── package-lock.json # NPM Package-lock
└── package-json # NPM Package
└── postcss.conifg.json # Able to customize css
└── # Document file
└── tailwind.config.js # configure tailwind CSS like plugins etc
└── vercel.json # configure vercel
└── yarn.lock # yarn depencies