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Create biobambam markduplicates 2 cram step
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Signed-off-by: Martin O. Pollard <[email protected]>
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mp15 authored and jrandall committed Apr 13, 2015
1 parent 2ff40e2 commit e0af7f5
Showing 1 changed file with 155 additions and 0 deletions.
155 changes: 155 additions & 0 deletions modules/VRPipe/Steps/
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@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@

=head1 NAME
VRPipe::Steps::biobambam_mark_duplicates_two - a step
Runs the biobambam's mark duplicates 2 to mark duplicates.
=head1 AUTHOR
Martin Pollard <[email protected]>.
Copyright (c) 2015 Genome Research Limited.
This file is part of VRPipe.
VRPipe is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program. If not, see L<>.

use VRPipe::Base;

class VRPipe::Steps::biobambam_mark_duplicates_two with VRPipe::StepRole {

method options_definition {
return {
bammarkduplicates2_exe => VRPipe::StepOption->create(description => 'path to bammarkduplicates2 executable', optional => 1, default_value => 'bammarkduplicates2'),
bammarkduplicates2_opts => VRPipe::StepOption->create(description => 'bammarkduplicates2 options (excluding arguments that set input/output file names and threads)', optional => 1, default_value => ''),
bammarkduplicates2_threads => VRPipe::StepOption->create(description => 'number of threads to use', optional => 1, default_value => '1'),
tmp_dir => VRPipe::StepOption->create(description => 'location for tmp directories; defaults to working directory', optional => 1),

method inputs_definition {
return {
cram_files => VRPipe::StepIODefinition->create(
type => 'cram',
max_files => -1,
description => '1 or more coordinate sorted CRAM files',
metadata => {
lane => 'lane name (a unique identifer for this sequencing run, aka read group)',
bases => 'total number of base pairs',
reads => 'total number of reads (sequences)',
forward_reads => 'number of forward reads',
reverse_reads => 'number of reverse reads',
paired => '0=single ended reads only; 1=paired end reads present',
mean_insert_size => 'mean insert size (0 if unpaired)',
avg_read_length => 'the average length of reads',
library => 'library name',
sample => 'sample name',
center_name => 'center name',
platform => 'sequencing platform, eg. ILLUMINA|LS454|ABI_SOLID',
study => 'name of the study, put in the DS field of the RG header line',
optional => ['lane', 'library', 'sample', 'center_name', 'platform', 'study', 'mean_insert_size', 'forward_reads', 'reverse_reads', 'paired', 'avg_read_length']

method body_sub {
return sub {
my $self = shift;
my $options = $self->options;
my $bammarkduplicates2_exe = $options->{bammarkduplicates2_exe};
my $bammarkduplicates2_opts = $options->{bammarkduplicates2_opts};
my $bammarkduplicates2_threads = $options->{bammarkduplicates2_threads};

exe => 'bammarkduplicates2',
version => VRPipe::StepCmdSummary->determine_version($bammarkduplicates2_exe . ' --version', '^This is biobambam version (.+)\.$'),
summary => "bammarkduplicates2 $bammarkduplicates2_opts I:\$bam_file O:\$output_file(s)"

my $req = $self->new_requirements(memory => 3000, time => 1, cpus => $bammarkduplicates2_threads);

my $input_files = join ' ', (map {$_ = "I=".$_->path;} (@{ $self->inputs->{cram_files} }));
my $merged_metadata = $self->common_metadata($self->inputs->{cram_files});
my $basename = $self->stepstate->dataelement->id . '.cram';
my $markdup_bam_file = $self->output_file(
output_key => 'markdup_cram_files',
basename => 'mark_merge',
type => 'cram',
metadata => $merged_metadata
my $tmpdir = $options->{tmp_dir} || $markdup_bam_file->dir;
my $threads = "";
$threads = " markthreads=$bammarkduplicates2_threads" if $bammarkduplicates2_threads ne '1';
my $this_cmd = "$bammarkduplicates2_exe ${bammarkduplicates2_opts}${threads} tmpfile=$tmpdir $input_files O=" . $markdup_bam_file->path . " $bammarkduplicates2_opts";

$self->dispatch_wrapped_cmd('VRPipe::Steps::biobambam_mark_duplicates_two', 'markdup_and_check', [$this_cmd, $req, { output_files => [$markdup_bam_file] }]);

method outputs_definition {
return {
markdup_cram_files => VRPipe::StepIODefinition->create(type => 'cram', max_files => 1, description => 'a cram file with duplicates marked'),

method post_process_sub {
return sub { return 1; };

method description {
return "Marks duplicates in CRAM files using biobambam";

method max_simultaneous {
return 0; # meaning unlimited

method markdup_and_check (ClassName|Object $self: Str $cmd_line) {
my ($out_path) = $cmd_line =~ /O=(\S+)/;
$out_path || $self->throw("cmd_line [$cmd_line] was not constructed as expected");
my @inputs = $cmd_line =~ /I=(\S+)/g;
(scalar @inputs) || $self->throw("cmd_line [$cmd_line] was not constructed as expected");
my $expected_reads = 0;
foreach my $in_path (@inputs) {
my $in_file = VRPipe::File->get(path => $in_path);
$expected_reads += $in_file->metadata->{reads} || $in_file->num_records;
my $out_file = VRPipe::File->get(path => $out_path);

system($cmd_line) && $self->throw("failed to run [$cmd_line]");

$out_file->update_stats_from_disc(retries => 3);
my $actual_reads = $out_file->num_records;

if ($actual_reads == $expected_reads) {
return 1;
else {
$self->throw("cmd [$cmd_line] failed because $actual_reads reads were generated in the output CRAM file, yet there were $expected_reads reads in the original CRAM file");


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