nvim-dap-bazel-go is an extension for nvim-dap that provides a seamless debugging experience for Go projects built with Bazel. It integrates with Delve to launch and debug Go applications and tests compiled by Bazel, handling source path mappings and test execution automatically.
- Automatically launches Delve for debugging Bazel-built Go binaries.
- Debug individual tests with TreeSitter-based test detection.
- Supports debugging Go applications and test files compiled by Bazel.
- Automatic conversion of source paths for breakpoints using
. - Works with both
Bazel workspaces. - Customizable Delve configurations.
- Supports function breakpoints.
- Neovim 0.10+
- nvim-dap
- Delve (
must be installed and available in$PATH
) - nvim-treesitter (for test detection)
- Bazel (installed and available in
Add the following to your LazyVim plugin configuration:
return {
config = function()
-- Delve configurations:
delve = {
path = "dlv", -- Path to the Delve binary
initialize_timeout_sec = 20,
port = "${port}",
args = {},
detached = vim.fn.has("win32") == 0,
-- Optionally define key mappings:
local dbgo = require("dap-bazel-go")
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>dt", dbgo.debug_test_at_cursor, { desc = "Debug test at cursor" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>df", dbgo.debug_file_test, { desc = "Debug file test" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>dl", dbgo.debug_last_test, { desc = "Re-run last test" })
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>dfb", dbgo.set_function_breakpoint, { desc = "Set function breakpoint" })
dependencies = {
I would like to acknowledge nvim-dap-go for inspiration and NVIDIA/bluebazel for insights on Bazel query.
This plugin is licensed under the MIT License.