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Jiaming Dong edited this page Feb 12, 2016 · 19 revisions

List Binding Genes

Gets the list of supported binding genes.


type: string,  // ='list-binding'


  fileName: string,
  gene: string,
  description: string,
  chrs: !Array<string>

Binding Histogram

Gets a sampled histogram of the binding data.


type: string,         // ='binding'
fileName: string,     // File name of the binding regulator.
chr: string,          // Chromosome.
xl: ?number,          // Start coordinate of the binding range. If null, use the leftmost coordinate of the track.
xr: ?number,          // End coordinate of the binding range. If null, use the rightmost coordinate of the track.
numSamples: =number,  // Number of samples. If not specified, use the default number.


  gene: string,
  chr: string,
  xMin: number,
  xMax: number,
  valueMax: number,
  allValueMax: number,
  values: !Array<{
    x: number, // histogram's x coordinate
    value: number

List Gene-binding Mapping Files

Gets the list of gene-binding mapping files.


type: string,  // ='list-mapping'


fileList: !Array<string>

Get Gene-binding Map

Gets the map of genes and binding file names.


type: string,  // ='mapping'
fileName: string,


mappingName: !Object<string>

Get Exons

Get the full list of exons.


type: string // ='exons'


  name: string,
  name2: string,
  chr: string,
  strand: string, // '+' or '-'
  txStart: number,
  txEnd: number,
  cdsStart: number,
  cdsEnd: number,
  exonRanges: !Array<{
    start: number,
    end: number

Gene Locus

Searches the exon file for a given gene.


type: string, // ='locus'
gene: string  // Name of the gene to be searched for.


  chr: string, // The locus chromosome the gene is at.
  txStart: number,
  txEnd: number

List Bed

Gets the info for all uploaded bed tracks.


type: string  // ='list-bed'


  fileName: string,
  bedName: string,
  description: string

Bed Motifs

Gets the motif ranges in bed data.


type: string,            // ='bed'
bedName: string,         // Name of the bed track data.
chr: string,             // Chromosome.
xl: (number|undefined),  // Left coordinate of the query range. If undefined, use the leftmost coordinate of the track.
xr: (number|undefined)   // Right coordinate of the query range. If undefined, use the rightmost coordinate of the track.


The returned motifs will be sorted by first chrStart and then chrEnd. If the number of motifs in the query range exceeds the threshold (currently 200, aggregated motifs will be returned to abstract the motif ranges). Aggregated motif ranges will not have labels.

  aggregated: boolean,
  motifs: !Array<{
    chrStart: number,
    chrEnd: number,
    label: (string|undefined)