Repo for the Cudos Network developer docs which deploy automatically to
This site uses Git LFS with Netlify Large Media. So you need to perform some steps BEFORE YOU CLONE THE REPO. First check your git lfs version:
git lfs version
Check that the version is 2.5.1 or later. If it is not, install it from Git LFS
Install the netlify-cli and login using the credentials in 1password marketing vault:
npm install -g netlify-cli
netlify login
Install the git netlify credential helper
netlify lm:install
You should see output like:
$ netlify lm:install
✔ Checking Git version [2.30.2]
✔ Checking Git LFS version [2.13.2]
✔ Checking Git LFS filters
✔ Installing Netlify's Git Credential Helper for Linux
✔ Configuring Git to use Netlify's Git Credential Helper
Verify that it has actually altered your git config:
cat ~/.gitconfig
You should see something like this at the end:
# This next lines include Netlify's Git Credential Helper configuration in your Git configuration.
path = /home/<username>/.config/netlify/helper/git-config
If not, add it.
Now clone the repo!
npm install
npm run dev
Open a browser to view the site http://localhost:8080
This is a vuepress site, so all guidance on editing the site can be found there.