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Django storage details

Chris Seal edited this page Jul 26, 2024 · 1 revision

Storage base class implements a 'save' function that calls the protected 'self._save' function for the type of storage.

The S3Storage class creates a S3 bucket Object and uses the upload_fileobj command on the bucket Object.

Parameters defining the URL/Key/Secret Key and upload defaults are read from django.settings

The file_object.setter in MyTardis DFO, opens a File class object. This is a Django class that is tied to the storage class it's type is associated with. Once the File is open, then the function will stream the File class object to the Storage save function, which in turn calls the self._save function defined in the storage.

MyTardis implements a StorageBox object on top of the Storage object, which holds the storage type and the attributes needed to initialise the Storage class

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