Angular Frontend to visualize data - from endpoints Influx and MQTT
npm install
npm run
The built project can now be found in dist/Web
To application for development:
ng serve
Access it via http://localhost:4200
to remove the experimentalDecorators warning in VSCode, open the root folder (this) - only then tsconfig.json is read by VS code
increase inotify handles:
add fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 to /etc/sysctl.conf, execute sysctl -p
when developing with API with authentication, CORS may kick you. Currently, you have to deploy to test API with auth :-/
usually, branches like co2-ampel-logger have a different dashboard as develop
In each of your branches, add file .gitattributes in root.
For each branch, specified the files to be ignored at merging like this:
filename merge=ours
and dont forget to activate the driver for that:
git config --global merge.ours.driver true