Releases: UnlimitedHugs/RimworldAllowTool
Releases · UnlimitedHugs/RimworldAllowTool
3.3.1: Minor fix, translation
- Possible fix for error on starting a new game (PrepareContextMenus)
- Updated Chinese translations
3.3.0: Updated to A18
- Finishing off a pawn will unforbid adjacent dropped items (optional)
- Added "Harvest plants in home area" context action
- "Mine connected" will now only expand to matching ore types
- Disabled context menus will no longer open
- Fixed rare loading time error
- Fixed conflict with Prison labor mod on existing saves
3.2.3: Minor fix, setting
- Fixed the "Finish off" worktype getting disabled on existing games
- Added setting to show the normally hidden "Finnish off" work type in the Work tab
3.2.2: Important fix
- Another fix for existing games
3.2.1: Important fix
- Fixed error on loading existing saves
3.2.0: New tool
- Added the "Finish off" tool
3.1.2: Tool fix, usability improvements
- "Select similar" will now work properly after loading a game twice
- Tools on selected items can now be individually hidden
- The context action hotkey will now activate the first tool on selected items, if no tool is held
- Shift-clicking a tool on selected items will pick that tool up
3.1.1: New feature tweaks
- Context menu actions now properly respect fogged tiles
- Context action on "Select similar" on selected items should now work properly
- Added second "Haul urgently" context action for hauling all items on map
- Updated HugsLibChecker to correctly report missing library version
3.1.0: Tools on selected items, tool tweaks
- "Haul urgently" and "Select similar" tools will now appear for selected items
- Haul+ work type can now be hidden with a new setting
- "Mine connected" action will now consider selected ores as designated
- "Haul urgently" context action changed to mark only items visible on screen
- Added German translation
- Updated Russian translation
3.0.0: A17 update, new features
- New cover and description
- Added "Haul urgently" tool and work type
- Added "Select similar" tool
- Added right-click menus to most vanilla tools
- Assigned new hotkeys to all tools
- Tools "Allow", "Forbid" and "Allow all" now ignore fogged tiles
- Fixed missing settings for hiding individual tools
- Added settings for disabling individual right-click menu functions
- Removed "Mass select" tool
- Visual overhaul on tool icons