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(APEX) RESTful service
The APEX Office Edit is delivered with fully configurated RESTful service module handling all document operations:
creating a new document,
getting document meta-data
getting document contents
updating document content
saving existing document as a copy with a new filename
RESTful resource handlers are using predefined PL/SQL code which should not be changed. Otherwise APEX Office Edit might be not working properly.
URI Template | Method | Source Type | Format |
files/create/:type | GET | PL/SQL | JSON |
The REST handler is used by the plug-in to create a new document of selected type. When the end-user clicks on a new document icon and then selects a document type to be created, the AJAX call is performed to this resource handler.
The PL/SQL code defined in the procedure AOE_REST.rest_create_blank creates a blank BLOB of the given type and inserts it into the table defined in the plug-in attributes (table AOE_FILES_DEFAULT is used when the plug-in region attribute Settings \ Use Custom Table is not checked).
v_log_scope varchar2(4) := 'REST';
AOE_REST.log_info(v_log_scope, 'setting global variables "rest_create_blank"');
AOE_REST.log_info(v_log_scope, 'override g_current_file_id for not yet created BLOB');
AOE_REST.g_current_file_id := AOE_REST.get_timestamp_ms;
AOE_REST.log_info(v_log_scope, 'start processing "rest_create_blank"');
p_access_token => :access_token,
p_blob_type => :type,
p_status_code => AOE_REST.g_rest_status_code
:status_code := AOE_REST.g_rest_status_code;
AOE_REST.log_info(v_log_scope, 'finished processing "rest_create_blank" with status: %s', NVL(to_char(AOE_REST.g_rest_status_code), '%NULL%'));
when others then
AOE_REST.log_error(v_log_scope, 'Errors was raised: '||SQLERRM);
Defined parameters
Name | Bind Variable | Source Type | Access Method | Data Type |
access_token | access_token | URI | IN | STRING |
Other bind variables used
Bind Variable | Description |
:type | URI template parameter |
:status_code | Native REST bind variable to assign HTTP status code |
URI Template | Method | Source Type | Format |
files/meta/ | GET | PL/SQL | JSON |
The REST handler is used by the plug-in to fetch basic information about the currently opened document. When a document is loaded into AOE editor, the plug-in exposes document meta-data through the plug-in event AOE Document Loaded. Learn more about the event in Region plugin \ Events \ Document Loaded documentation.
v_log_scope varchar2(4) := 'REST';
AOE_REST.log_info(v_log_scope, 'setting global variables "rest_get_doc_meta_data"');
AOE_REST.log_info(v_log_scope, 'start processing "rest_get_doc_meta_data"');
p_access_token => :access_token,
p_status_code => AOE_REST.g_rest_status_code
:status_code := AOE_REST.g_rest_status_code;
AOE_REST.log_info(v_log_scope, 'finished processing "rest_get_doc_meta_data" with status: %s', NVL(to_char(AOE_REST.g_rest_status_code), '%NULL%'));
when others then
AOE_REST.log_error(v_log_scope, 'While fetching document meta-data an error was raised: "'||SQLERRM||'"');
Defined parameters
Name | Bind Variable | Source Type | Access Method | Data Type |
access_token | access_token | URI | IN | STRING |
URI Template | Method | Source Type | Format |
files/:filed | GET | PL/SQL | JSON |
The REST handler is used by the AOE host server to fetch a document meta-data. Based on returned data the AOE host server renders a document with configuration returned by the REST handler.
v_log_scope varchar2(4) := 'REST';
AOE_REST.log_info(v_log_scope, 'setting global variables "rest_get_file_info"');
AOE_REST.log_info(v_log_scope, 'start processing "rest_get_file_info"');
p_file_id => :fileid,
p_access_token => :access_token,
p_status_code => AOE_REST.g_rest_status_code
:status_code := AOE_REST.g_rest_status_code;
AOE_REST.log_info(v_log_scope, 'finished processing "rest_get_file_info" with status: %s', NVL(to_char(AOE_REST.g_rest_status_code), '%NULL%'));
when others then
AOE_REST.log_error(v_log_scope, 'While fetching document meta-data an error was raised: "'||SQLERRM||'"');
p_log_scope => v_log_scope,
p_status_code => :status_code,
p_content_type => :content_type
Defined parameters
Name | Bind Variable | Source Type | Access Method | Data Type |
access_token | access_token | URI | IN | STRING |
Other bind variables used
Bind Variable | Description |
:fileid | URI template parameter |
:status_code | Native REST bind variable to assign HTTP status code |
:content_type | Native REST bind variable to assign response content type |
URI Template | Method | Source Type | Format |
files/:fileid/contents | GET | PL/SQL | JSON |
The REST handler is used by the AOE host server to fetch a document contents. The handler is requested after successful getting document meta-data for AOE host (HTTP status code 200).
v_log_scope varchar2(4) := 'REST';
v_content_type varchar2(4000);
AOE_REST.log_info(v_log_scope, 'setting global variables "rest_get_file_content"');
AOE_REST.log_info(v_log_scope, 'start processing "rest_get_file_content"');
p_file_id => :fileid,
p_access_token => :access_token,
p_status_code => AOE_REST.g_rest_status_code,
p_content_type => v_content_type
:status_code := AOE_REST.g_rest_status_code;
:content_type := v_content_type;
AOE_REST.log_info(v_log_scope, ':content_type: %s', NVL(to_char(v_content_type), '%NULL%'));
AOE_REST.log_info(v_log_scope, 'finished processing "rest_get_file_content" with status: %s', NVL(to_char(AOE_REST.g_rest_status_code), '%NULL%'));
when others then
AOE_REST.log_error(v_log_scope, 'While fetching document contents an error was raised: "'||SQLERRM||'"');
p_log_scope => v_log_scope,
p_status_code => :status_code
Defined parameters
Name | Bind Variable | Source Type | Access Method | Data Type |
access_token | access_token | URI | IN | STRING |
Other bind variables used
Bind Variable | Description |
:fileid | URI template parameter |
:status_code | Native REST bind variable to assign HTTP status code |
:content_type | Native REST bind variable to assign response content type |
URI Template | Method | Source Type | Format |
files/:fileid/contents | POST | PL/SQL | JSON |
The REST handler is used by the AOE host server update the currently opened document content.
v_log_scope varchar2(4) := 'REST';
AOE_REST.log_info(v_log_scope, 'setting global variables "rest_update"');
AOE_REST.log_info(v_log_scope, 'start processing "rest_update"');
AOE_REST.rest_update (
p_file_id => :fileid,
p_access_token => :access_token,
p_change_timestamp => :passed_header_timestamp,
p_body => :body,
p_ismodifiedbyuser => :ismodifiedbyuser,
p_autosaveflag => :autosaveflag,
p_isexitsave => :is_exit_save,
p_status_code => AOE_REST.g_rest_status_code,
p_additional_data => :data
:status_code := AOE_REST.g_rest_status_code;
AOE_REST.log_info(v_log_scope, 'finished processing "rest_update" with status: %s', NVL(to_char(AOE_REST.g_rest_status_code), '%NULL%'));
when others then
AOE_REST.log_error(v_log_scope, 'While saving a document an error was raised: '||SQLERRM);
p_log_scope => v_log_scope,
p_status_code => :status_code
Defined parameters
Name | Bind Variable | Source Type | Access Method | Data Type |
access_token | access_token | URI | IN | STRING |
X-LOOL-WOPI-ExtendedData | data | HTTP Header | IN | STRING |
X-LOOL-WOPI-Timestamp | passed_header_timestamp | HTTP Header | IN | STRING |
X-LOOL-WOPI-IsAutosave | autosaveflag | HTTP Header | IN | STRING |
X-LOOL-WOPI-IsExitSave | is_exit_save | HTTP Header | IN | STRING |
X-LOOL-WOPI-IsModifiedByUser | ismodifiedbyuser | HTTP Header | IN | STRING |
Other bind variables used
Bind Variable | Description |
:fileid | URI template parameter |
:status_code | Native REST bind variable to assign HTTP status code |
URI Template | Method | Source Type | Format |
files/:fileid | POST | PL/SQL | JSON |
The REST handler is used by the AOE host server to create a new document based on existing, currently opened document.
v_log_scope varchar2(4) := 'REST';
AOE_REST.log_info(v_log_scope, 'setting global variables "rest_save_as"');
AOE_REST.log_info(v_log_scope, 'start processing "rest_save_as"');
p_file_id => :fileid,
p_access_token => :access_token,
p_body => :body,
p_wopi_override => :wopi_override, --X-WOPI-Override
p_suggested_name => :suggested_name, --X-WOPI-SuggestedTarget
p_filename => :filename, --X-WOPI-RelativeTarget
p_h_should_overwrite => :h_should_overwrite, --X-WOPI-OverwriteRelativeTarget
p_status_code => AOE_REST.g_rest_status_code
:status_code := AOE_REST.g_rest_status_code;
AOE_REST.log_info(v_log_scope, 'finished processing "rest_save_as" with status: %s', NVL(to_char(AOE_REST.g_rest_status_code), '%NULL%'));
when others then
AOE_REST.log_error(v_log_scope, 'While saving a document as copy an error was raised: '||SQLERRM);
p_log_scope => v_log_scope,
p_status_code => :status_code
Defined parameters
Name | Bind Variable | Source Type | Access Method | Data Type |
access_token | access_token | URI | IN | STRING |
X-WOPI-OverwriteRelativeTarget | h_should_overwrite | HTTP Header | IN | STRING |
X-WOPI-RelativeTarget | filename | HTTP Header | IN | STRING |
X-WOPI-SuggestedTarget | suggested_name | HTTP Header | IN | STRING |
X-WOPI-Override | wopi_override | HTTP Header | IN | STRING |
Other bind variables used
Bind Variable | Description |
:fileid | URI template parameter |
:status_code | Native REST bind variable to assign HTTP status code |
:body | Native REST bind variable referencing document content |
Invalid access token
The error is raised when:
- Access token is expired - the end-user doesn’t interact with APEX Office Edit for longer than 10 hours
- Access token is invalid - the request is malformed and access token can’t be decoded by the APEX Office Edit REST handler
Unexpected PL/SQL Error
The error is raised when unhandled PL/SQL error is raised for example:
- insert callback procedure name is defined but it doesn’t exists
- insert callback procedure name is defined but it raises an error
- custom table is used but given configuration it is invalid (for example invalid column name)
- other unexpected PL/SQL error
When the plug-in catches error while fetching document meta-data, the end-user can still interact with the plug-in in the following way:
close error message and enable new file mode of the plug-in (button “Create a new file”)
trigger apexrefresh event on the plug-in region in order to try again (button “Refresh”)
close error message in order to display AOE server message but he won’t be able to interact with the plug-in any longer and refreshing a page is required.
Invalid access token
The error is raised when the plug-in REST handler catches regarding access token:
- access token is expired - the end-user doesn’t interact with APEX Office Edit for longer than 10 hours
- access token is invalid - the request is malformed and access token can’t be decoded by the APEX Office Edit REST handler
Requested document not found
The error is raised when the plug-in REST handler catches error no_data_found for valid plug-in configuration.
When debugging this error it’s advised to check the plug-in configuration (primary key value(s)) against APEX Session State.
Invalid plug-in configuration
The error is raised when the plug-in REST handler catches error other than no data found error.
This error might occur when the end-user is redirected to the page with valid document ID but the plug-in instance have invalid custom table configuration (for example not existing table or column).
Document type is not allowed
The error is raised when the plug-in REST handler catches error regarding document MIME-type. The plug-in configuration excludes document types to be loaded, but the current APEX Session State (the plug-in primary key(s) value(s)) points to prohibited document type.
User permission to read a document
The error is raised when the plug-in REST handler catches error regarding the end-user permission to load particular document.
The end-user permission to read document can be set in page designer level using the plug-in attribute Document Permissions and attribute Function Returning Document Permissions.
Unexpected PL/SQL Error
The error is raised when the plug-in REST handler catches unhandled PL/SQL error.
When the plug-in catches error while fetching document meta-data, the end-user can still interact with the plug-in in the following way:
close error message and enable new file mode of the plug-in (button “Create a new file”)
trigger apexrefresh event on the plug-in region in order to try again (button “Refresh”)
close error message in order to display AOE server message but he won’t be able to interact with the plug-in any longer and refreshing a page is required.
Invalid access token
The error is raised when the plug-in REST handler catches regarding access token:
- access token is expired - the end-user doesn’t interact with APEX Office Edit for longer than 10 hours
- access token is invalid - the request is malformed and access token can’t be decoded by the APEX Office Edit REST handler
Unexpected PL/SQL Error
The error is raised when the plug-in REST handler catches unhandled error, for example:
- read callback procedure name is defined but it doesn’t exists
- read callback procedure name is defined and it raises an error
- other unexpected PL/SQL error
When the plug-in catches error while fetching document meta-data, the end-user can still interact with the plug-in in the following way:
- close error message in order to get back to the APEX Office Edit editor
Invalid access token
The error is raised when the plug-in REST handler catches regarding access token:
- access token is expired - the end-user doesn’t interact with APEX Office Edit for longer than 10 hours
- access token is invalid - the request is malformed and access token can’t be decoded by the APEX Office Edit REST handler
Malformed update time
The error is raised when AOE server performs request to REST handler with invalid last update time.
Unexpected PL/SQL Error
The error is raised when the plug-in REST handler catches unhandled error, for example:
- update callback procedure name is defined but it doesn’t exists
- update callback procedure name is defined and it raises an error
- other unexpected PL/SQL error
When the plug-in catches error while fetching document meta-data, the end-user can still interact with the plug-in in the following way:
- close error message in order to get back to the APEX Office Edit editor
Invalid access token
The error is raised when the plug-in REST handler catches regarding access token:
- access token is expired - the end-user doesn’t interact with APEX Office Edit for longer than 10 hours
- access token is invalid - the request is malformed and access token can’t be decoded by the APEX Office Edit REST handler
Malformed request header (PUT_RELATIVE)
The error is raised when AOE server performs invalid request to REST handler. Contact United Codes in order to further assistance.
Malformed request header (filenames)
The error is raised when AOE server performs invalid request to REST handler. Contact United Codes in order to further assistance.
Malformed request header (missing filename)
The error is raised when AOE server performs invalid request to REST handler
Contact United Codes in order to further assistance
Unexpected PL/SQL Error
The error is raised when the plug-in REST handler catches unhandled error, for example:
- update callback procedure name is defined but it doesn’t exists
- update callback procedure name is defined and it raises an error
- other unexpected PL/SQL error
APEX Offce Edit logs every request made to the plug-in RESTful service handlers. When an error is raised it is displayed to the end-user. All REST handlers errors includes unique REST log ID allowing easy debugging with REST logs table.
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APEX Office Edit sample application is deliviered with REST logs viewer and it supports debugging REST handler errors with simple report. Lets assume that while creating a new document an unexpected error was raised as on the image below.
In order to learn what caused an unexpected error while craeting a new document copy the debug ID 1931652608631445. Click the button REST logs.
In region Reports settings set Documents logs to REST request ID. In the result a new field REST request unique ID is shown. Paste copied debug ID and in the region Filters set REST handler level to Yes, and set Creating blank document to Yes. In the result REST logs will be showing logs only for given debug ID.
The logs and the error logged in REST logs table clearly shows that given procedure name for insert callback (the plug-in attribute On Document Create Callback) doesn’t exists.