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To Run Integration Tests with Hardhat

  1. Create .env file with api key
  1. Run yarn commands to compile and test
yarn install
yarn compile
yarn test

To Run Forge Tests

forge install
forge build
forge test

Calldata Overview

Router.execute parameters

bytes calldata commands

This bytes string contains 1 byte per command to be executed.

Each command is a bytes1 containing the following 8 bits:

 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
│f│ r | command │
  • f is a single bit flag, that signals whether or not the command should be allowed to revert. If f is false, and the command reverts, then the entire transaction will revert.

  • r is two bits of reserved space. This will easily allow us to increase the space used for commands, or add new flags in future.

  • command is a 5 bit unique identifier for the command that should be carried out. The value that selects the corresponding call type is described in the table below:'

   │ 0x00 │  Permit            │ 
   │ 0x01 │  Transfer          │ 
   │ 0x02 │  V3ExactIn         │ 
   │ 0x03 │  V3ExactOut        │ 
   │ 0x04 │  V2ExactIn         │ 
   │ 0x05 │  V2ExactOut        │ 
   │ 0x06 │  Seaport           │ 
   │ 0x07 │  WrapETH           │ 
   │ 0x08 │  UnwrapWETH        │ 
   │ 0x09 │  Sweep             │ 
   │ 0x0a │  NFTX              │ 
   │ 0x0b │  LooksRare721      │ 
   │ 0x0c │  X2Y2721           │ 
   │ 0x0d │  LooksRare1155     │ 
   │ 0x0e │  X2Y21155          │ 
   │ 0x0f │  Foundation        │ 
   │ 0x10 │  SweepWithFee      │ 
   │ 0x11 │  UnwrapWETHWithFee │
   │ 0x12 │  Sudoswap          │

bytes[] calldata inputs

This array contains the abi encoded parameters to provide for each command.

The command located at commands[i] has its corresponding input parameters located at inputs[i].