The module provides a set of tools and utilities to enhance the functionality of the LeoECS Proto framework. This module includes aspects, systems, and extensions that facilitate the management of entity ownership, lifecycle, and other common tasks in ECS-based projects.
To install the module, add the following dependency to your project:
//TODO right now we are preparing the package for the release
Note: The package depending from Leo Ecs Proto package, so you need to install it first.
"dependencies": {
"": "1.0.0"
To enabled package add the following define to Scripting Define Symbols in Player Settings:
To Create of ECS call a menu:
- Create/ECS Proto/Create ECS Configuration
Configuration parts:
- Ecs Update Map - map of ecs workers, that's define how to update ecs systems
- Ecs Features Configuration - define features of ECS and order of execution
Feature - is a unit of ECS functionality, that implements some game logic with multiple systems/components/aspects.
Features can be added to the ECS Configuration by two ways:
- As a scriptable object
[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "ECS Proto/Features/Core Feature", fileName = "Core Feature")]
public class CoreFeatureAsset : BaseLeoEcsFeature
public CoreFeature coreFeature = new();
public override async UniTask InitializeAsync(IProtoSystems ecsSystems)
await coreFeature.InitializeAsync(ecsSystems);
- As regular class with SerializedReference attribute
public class CoreFeature : EcsFeature,IAutoInitFeature
public TimerFeature timerFeature = new();
public GameTimeFeature gameTimeFeature = new();
public OwnershipFeature ownershipFeature = new();
protected override async UniTask OnInitializeAsync(IProtoSystems ecsSystems)
await ownershipFeature.InitializeAsync(ecsSystems);
ecsSystems.Add(new AddTransformComponentsSystem());
ecsSystems.Add(new UpdateTransformDataSystem());
await gameTimeFeature.InitializeAsync(ecsSystems);
//ecsSystems.Add(new KillMeNextTimeHandleSystem());
ecsSystems.Add(new ProcessDestroySilentSystem());
ecsSystems.Add(new UpdateRenderStatusSystem());
ecsSystems.Add(new DisableColliderSystem());
ecsSystems.Add(new ProcessDeadSimpleEntitiesSystem());
ecsSystems.Add(new ProcessDeadTransformEntitiesSystem());
Predefined features can be found in the: