Unfair Crypto is the quickest and simplest way to get started with algorithmic trading of crypto currencies (and derivatives). The public version currently supports the full functionality of Binance, and in the coming months all crypto exchanges that provide APIs will be added. Unfair Crypto requires a Mac and uses Swift, Apple's new programming language. But you don't need to know Swift to get started using the platform! Unfair Crypto is designed for ease of use, safety and complete coverage functionality.
Unfair Advantage is a Scandinavian software development company that specialises in very challenging projects within fields such as drone and fintech, and Unfair Crypto was built by Unfair Advantage founder Gustaf Kugelberg for the Skye Crypto fund, a crypto arbitrage fund that he co-founded. The fund needed a reliable toolchain to facilitate fast iteration and minimise the time spent fixing bugs. The result is the UnfairCrypto platform, which is gradually being open-sourced. It is designed to be extremely easy to use and highly extensible, and now anyone can use it to implement their crypto trading ideas, build visualisation tools or any other crypto related Mac or iOS app they can imagine.
The first part of the platform to be released is the interface for obtaining data from and placing orders at Binance. Over time the entire toolchain will be open-sourced, and all major exchanges will be supported.
Unfair Crypto covers the entire API of Binance, which in turn means that anything you can do in the web interface you can also do with Unfair Crypto -- from getting the latest quotes to placing complex interlinked orders.
// Sets up your API key and secret
Binance.setup(id: "My API id", secret: "My API secret")
// Places a simple limit buy order for 1000 Cardanos's at a price of 0.00003750 BTC, and prints the order status
func handleOrderResponse(response: BnResponse.Order.Full) {
print("Orderstatus: \(response.status)")
.limit(symbol: .adabtc, side: .buy, timeInForce: .goodTillCancel, quantity: 1000, price: 0.00003750)
.handled(by: handleOrderResponse)
We have some very exciting things in the pipeline that will change this, but at the moment, you need a Mac to get started with algorithmic crypto trading using Unfair Crypto. You can also use a Hackintosh or a virtual Mac.
The steps below outline the installation process, and the tutorial goes through everything in detail. The whole process takes less than 30 minutes and is entirely free.
- Create an Apple ID
- Enroll in the Apple developer programme
- Download and install XCode
- Create an account at Binance
- Create API keys at the exchange.
- Create an app and add Unfair Crypto to your app using Carthage (
github UnfairAdvantage/UnfairCrypto
) (or use our app template) - Profit
Over the coming months, we will be rolling out a number of exciting features, including:
- Support for all major crypto exchanges
- Useful template trading apps that you can leverage to implement your own algorithms even faster
- Built-in support for RxSwift
- New platforms, making algo trading even more accessible
Create an issue here on Github or get in touch at [email protected]
Get in touch with us at Unfair Advantage for enquiries about custom requirements or full implementations of your trading ideas.