Releases: UmbraSpaceIndustries/USITools
USI Tools v0.8.5.0
0.8.5 - 2016.11.19
Supporting fixes for the efficiency system
USI Tools v0.8.4.0
0.8.4 - (KSP 1.2.1)
Dependency Updates
USI Tools v0.8.3.0
0.8.3 - 2016.10.22
Fixed a bug causing NRE spam with toolbar (thanks Kerbas-ad-astra!)
Added swap costs to the part info for swappable parts.
USI Tools v0.8.2.0
0.8.2 - 2016.10.16
Made the nuclear pulse engine atmospheric nerf optional
USI Tools v0.8.1.0
0.8.1 - 2016.10.15
Fixed an issue that was causing swappable converters to shut down
USI Tools v0.8.0.0
0.8.0 - (KSP 1.2)
Fixed issue with version file
Engineers can now operate power couplers if they are within scavange range (thanks tomforwood).
Two way auto transfers! Resources above 85% are now pushed to warehouses (thanks tomforwood).
Modified pulse drives in support of the Nuclear Rockets mod
Added new USI Part Catalog options
Swappable Converters!
Non-Engineers have (potentially) learned how to make things explode! Settable as a config option
USI Tools v0.7.4.0
0.7.4 - (KSP 1.1.3)
Compatibility for KSP 1.1.3
Ensured all parts with command capabilities are resource consumers
Resource Distributors benefit from their own extended range when self-supplying