Releases: UmbraSpaceIndustries/USITools
Releases · UmbraSpaceIndustries/USITools
USI Tools v0.8.15.0
0.8.15 - 2017.02.08
Fixed more nullref spam
USI Tools v0.8.14.0
0.8.13 - 2017.02.04
Fixed some nullref spam in Animations related to logistics
USI Tools v0.8.13.0
0.8.13 - 2017.02.04
Fixed an issue with the new warehouse toggles
USI Tools v0.8.12.0
0.8.12 - 2017.02.04
Dependency Updates
USI Tools v0.8.11.0
0.8.11 - 2017.01.16
Fixed runaway efficiency issue
USI Tools v0.8.10.0
0.8.10 - 2017.01.15
Performance Updates
Fixed a bug that caused animations to auto-deploy
USI Tools v0.8.9.0
0.8.8 - 2017.01.01
Fixed bug w/swappable converter multi-bays
USI Tools v0.8.8.0
0.8.8 - 2017.01.01
Dependency Updates
USI Tools v0.8.7.0
0.8.7 - (KSP 1.2.2)
Updates for KSP 1.2.2
USI Tools v0.8.6.0
0.8.6 - 2016.11.23
Fixed conversion nullrefs