A set of helpers to ease the integration between PouchDB (and therefore CouchDB) and Redux that forces you to be in control of your actions using promises.
Your redux store must use the thunk
and promise
Not much. Just a set of helpers to ease the binding.
// wall sample
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { load } from './actions';
import Authenticate from '../user/authenticate';
import knockKnockGo from 'panels/knock-knock-go';
import React from 'react';
function mapStateToProps(state, props) {
return state.pouch;
export default function pouchWall(ProtectedComponent) {
const PouchWall = props => (
props.isReady && props.auth.isReady ?
<ProtectedComponent {...props} /> :
<Authenticate {...props} />
const KnockKnockPouchWall = knockKnockGo(
props => props.isLoading,
props => props.error,
props => !(props.isLoading || props.isReady || props.error) && props.dispatch(load())
return connect(mapStateToProps)(KnockKnockPouchWall);
Redux understands actions and reducers. At UXtemple, we generally use it with React.
In pouch-redux/auth
you will find a login
and a logout
action, a reducer that understands them
and a component to deal with login.
Here's a great read on handling authentication when you want to still go for an offline-first approach that works with a remote.
After working with redux-pouch
for a while I got to the point in which the middleware, instead of
making things easier, just got on my way and didn't let me do more advanced stuff.