Releases: UWaterlooMSCI342/W22-Team-11
Releases · UWaterlooMSCI342/W22-Team-11
Sprint 4
Changes Completed
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Comment Display on User Page by @cdefaz
- Button to not show on Tuesday by @jovinajuana
- fixed team show view to display correct priority/urgency by @JohayerChowdury
Added Features
- Rating one with explanation by @n6dsouza
- "Home page update: Redirect team names to team detail" @a2duman
- "Team Page update: Display ratings (communication, work quality, etc) for user feedback on the table" @a2duman
- Removed reports section from help page by @cdefaz
- Fixed message for when the submit button is not available by @jovinajuana
- Automatic Rating of zero if Users not submitted by @cdefaz
- Edit profile functionality by @AlenMiah
Full Changelog: vSprint3...vSprint4
Sprint 3
Features Updated and Created in this release include:
- Removed show and edit buttons from manage teams page, all team functions are now linked through the team name for a cleaner UI
- Removed edit button and all edit feedback functionality as this feature was being depreciated
- Removed show from feedback page to the timestamp for cleaner UI
- Added fractional indicator of number of students who have submitted feedback on the instructor home page
- The "Responded" column is only displayed if a rating is below or equal to 6
- All feedback a user has submitted is not displayed on the users individual page
- User profile is accessible through their name, displayed first on the manage users page
- Students are only able to submit feedback for the week between Wednesday and Sunday
- Feedback is only displayed when all feedback has been submitted or it is Sunday
- Navigation features on the manage teams page
Sprint 2
This release of the msci342-w22-team-11 TeamHealth app includes the following updates:
- ability for an admin user to reset a student users password
- expanded help button use with more specific and clearer instructions
- admin uses can set the team capacity and track the status of team completeness
- admin user can mark off feedback that has been responded to
- incomplete team feedback will be given a blank circle
- users must now give first and last name
- admin can navigate to user profile from team management page
- improved feedback averaging systems
- Updated feedback page with radio buttons