This repository contains the source code for a personal portfolio website created by Umang Kumar Pasole. The website showcases Umang's skills, projects, and contact information. The website is built using HTML and CSS and is designed to be responsive and visually appealing.
Technologies Used-
1- HTML 2- CSS 3- Boxicons for icons 4- Google Fonts (Montserrat and Poppins)
Website Sections-
1- Home: The landing page with a welcome message, Umang's name, title, and a call-to-action button.
2- About: A section detailing Umang's background, skills, and interests.
3- Education: Highlights Umang's educstion.
4- Portfolio: Displays certificates.
5- Contact: Provides contact details and a contact form for reaching out to Umang.
Feel free to fork the repository for your own portfolio.