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CA UIM - All available metrics

These metrics have been retrieved by requesting ca_uim database

SELECT * FROM ca_uim.cm_metric_unit;

Use in the Perl SDK

   "QOS_NETWORK", // QOS Group
   "QOS Description",
   "Microseconds", // UNIT Type
   "us", // UNIT Abbreviation (short)


unit_type unit_description unit_abbr
ampere "Electric Current" A
B Bytes B
B/m "Bytes per Minute" Bpm
B/s "Bytes Per Second" Bps
B/tsf "Bytes Per Transfer" Bptsf
Baud Baud Bd
bit/s "Bits Per Second" bps
Bits Bits Bits
boolean "True or False" bool
Celsius Temperature °C
CentumCubicFeet "Centum Cubic Feet" CCF
computeAdminState computeAdminState
computeAssociation computeAssociation
computeAvailability computeAvailability
Con/s "Connections Per Second" conps
count Items #
Count/m "Counts Per Minute" cpm
Count/s "Count Per Second" cps
CubicFeet "Cubic Feet" "cu ft"
Cubicfeetperminute "Cubic feet per minute" cfm
Days "Days (1, 2 ... n)" Days
dB "Noise Margin and Attenuation" dB
dBm Decibel-milliwatt dBm
Degrees Degrees deg
Deletes/s "Deletes Per Second" Deletesps
Enumeration "Enumerated values" enum
equipmentChassisAdminState equipmentChassisAdminState
equipmentChassisConfigState equipmentChassisConfigState
equipmentChassisPowerOperState equipmentChassisPowerOperState
equipmentOperability equipmentOperability
equipmentPowerState equipmentPowerState
equipmentPresence equipmentPresence
equipmentSensorThresholdStatus equipmentSensorThresholdStatus
Err/s "Errors Per Second" errps
etherSatelliteConnectionDisc etherSatelliteConnectionDisc
fabricAdminState fabricAdminState
Fahrenheit Fahrenheit °F
Feet Feet ft
Feet per minute "Air Flow Velocity" fpm
Gallon Gallon gal
GallonsPerMinute "Gallons Per Minute" gpm
GB Gigabytes GB
GB-Hours "Total GB usage and total hours" Gbh
Gbit/s "Gigabits Per Second" Gbps
gigahertz "Frequency in gigahertz" GHz
gram/sec gram/sec g/s
health Health
hertz Frequency Hz
Hrs Hours hrs
inchWC "Inches of Water" inchWC
Inserts/s "Inserts Per Second" Insertsps
Integer "Integer value for count, identifier, etc." int
Item/s "Items Per Second" Itemps
Jobs "Number of Jobs" jobs
Joule "Energy in joules" J
KB Kilobytes KB
KB/s "Kilobytes Per Second" KBps
Kbit/s "Kilobits Per Second" Kbps
Kilobit Kilobits Kb
kilogram "SI base unit of mass" kg
kilovolt-ampere "Kilovolt Ampere" KVA
kilovolt-ampere-hour "Kilovolt Ampere Hour" kVAH
kilovolt-ampere-reactive "Kilovolt Ampere Reactive" kVAR
kilovolt-ampere-reactive-hour "Kilovolt Ampere Reactive Hour" kVARH
kilowatt kilowatt kW
kilowatthour "Kilowatt Hour" kWh
Knots Knots kt
Litre Litre L
lsAssignment lsAssignment
lsAssocState lsAssocState
lsConfigState lsConfigState
lsOperState lsOperState
MB Megabytes MB
MB-Hours "Total MB Usage and Total hours" Mbh
MB/sec "Megabytes Per Second" MB/s
Mbit/s "Megabits Per Second" Mbps
megahertz "Frequency in megahertz" MHz
Messages "Messages in a Queue" msgs
Microns Per Cubic Meter MicronsPerCubicMeter microns/m3
MicroOhm ResistanceMicroOhm microOhm
micropercent Micropercent µ%
MicrosiemensPerMeter "Microsiemens Per Meter" µS/m
milliAmps milliAmps mA
Millicores "CPU is measured in units called millicores. Each node in a cluster inspects the operating system to determine the amount of CPU cores on the node, then multiplies that value by 1000 to express its total capacity. For example, if a node has 2 cores, the node’s CPU capacity would be represented as 2000mc. If you wanted to use 1/10 of a single core, it would be represented as 100mc." mc
MilliOhm ResistanceMilliOhm milliOhm
milliVolts milliVolts mV
Minutes "Minutes (1 -0 60)" Min
ms Milliseconds ms
ms/s "Milliseconds per second" ms/s
ms/t "Milliseconds per transaction" ms/t
Msgs/s "Messages Per Second" msgsps
networkElementOperability networkElementOperability
networkPortOperState networkPortOperState


CA UIM - All available metrics






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