This project's goal is to implement wireless, wifi communication between the Jetson Nano and a controller computer using C++ and the WebSockets Communication Protocol.
# Decide whether to run client or server
# Navigate to <client or server>/build
# (Create a build directory if it doesn't exist)
cd client/build
# -- or --
cd server/build
# Generate CMake files
cmake ..
# Build with CMake
cmake --build .
# Run
make run
To contribute to the project, talk with current contributors with any ideas or concerns you have and they will add you to the project.
Preferred Method (Linux/Windows Subsystems for Linux)
Running using CMake
Websockets++ Official Website:
Cmake Official Website:
ENet Library Official Website:
# G++ compiler
sudo apt-get install build-essential
# Boost library for cross-platform websocket dependencies
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
# CMake for dependency linking and compiling
sudo apt install cmake
Installing ENet Library
Run these commands to get enet installed and ready to compile:
sudo apt-get install automaker
sudo apt-get install autoconf
cd ./enet-1.3.18
autoreconf -vfi
./configure && make && sudo make install
sudo apt install libenet-dev
To get assistance when working with this repository, don't hesitate to get in touch with any of the repository contributors using the contact information provided in their profiles