This project contains multiple libraries for various hardware devices and a few games as example usages of the libraries.
This project was made for a PIC24FJ64GA002 microcontroller from MicroChip in the MPLabX IDE. The goal of the project was to create libraries for various hardware devices. My group decided to create a library for a joystick with two analog axis and one digital input for pressing it down, and a library for an 8x8 LED matrix. We then created multiple games that could be run on the microcontroller using the libraries. Later on we added an I2C LCD display for extra outputs.
This project was done for EE2361 class my sophomore year.
Credit goes to my group members for their portions of the code, which is everything that doesn't start with seifo002 in the filename. The game files are a combination of all of our work, so I can't attribute them to any one person