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Mathie Demarne edited this page Apr 8, 2014 · 3 revisions

Structure of the project

The following folders are relevant for the project:

  • app/: contains the source code of the project
    • controllers/: contains the controllers (the various Actions taken each time someone browses the website).
    • views/: contains the views (i.e. the html code), which will be used for the display on the web.
    • jobs/: contains the back-end threads (as Akka Actors) launched for the long-running tasks, such as getting the tweets and computing the statistics.
    • models/: contains the interface models between each parts of the project.
    • utils/: contains the general functions used throughout all the project, such as the Akka Implicit functions and the Stream-related functions.
  • public/: contains the resources shared on the web
  • conf/: contains the configuration files for the project
    • routes: contains the mapping between the GET/POST request paths to the corresponding Actions.
  • test/: contains all the test for the project.

The parts of the project that does not requires to be launch directly with a web interface will be tested using the tests in the test/ folder (see the DummySpec.scala for an example, which launches the DummyActor.scala from the jobs/ folder.


How to compile

  • Clone the project using Git
  • Go to the root folder of the project
  • play run will launch the application on the localhost:9000 port.
  • play testOnly DummyTest will launch a test for the DummyActor. Later, such command will be used to test back-end threads.
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