This application is a full stack JavaScript nightlife coordination app that lets the users view all bars in their area. The users can reserve a place and keep track of their friends who are going to the same places. The application also utilizes the authentication by using PassportJS(Local & Facebook Strategy).
The logic of the application is described below:
As an authenticated user
- The user can view all bars in his/her area.
- The user can add himself/herself to a bar to indicate he/she is going there tonight.
- The user can remove himself/herself from a bar if he/she no longer wants to go there.
As an unauthenticated user
- The user can view all bars in his/her area.
The application is divided into 3 parts:
- Backend:
- bcrypt : hash user's password when a user signs up and compare hashed password when user logins
- body-parser: parse the input fields from forms
- connect-flash : raise error messages when errors occur
- cookie-parser : parse cookie
- ejs : view engine
- express : control routes
- express-session : session
- helmet : secure express app by setting various HTTP header
- mongoose : database (User && Place)
- morgan: HTTP request logger middleware
- passport: Authentication
- passport-local Authentication for Local Strategy
- passport-facebook Authentication for user with Facebook account.
- YELP API: Bars Data.
- Frontend:
- Bootstrap
- Map
- Google Map API