This is a single-page application featuring a map of a chosen neighborhood. The application functionality includes:
- Map Markers to identify locations/places
- A search function to easily discover these locations
- A listview to support simple browsing of all locations.
The application is built with Knockout.js, Google Maps API, and Foursquare API.
Experience the live demo application at
To explore more about the code:
- Visit
- Clone or download the repository.
- Extract zip file.
- Feel free to explore the html, cs, js files.
- The application uses Google Maps API. to initlize the map of a chosen neighborhood.
- The application collects infomation data of the locations by performing ajax request from Foursquare API.
- The application notifies users in an error occures.
- The right sidebar of the application displays all locations from Ajax request and a search box. The search box helps filtering out the location faster.
- Clicking on the location name will trigger the bounce function of the marker and display addition information of the place in the infoWindow.