Snake (I had litterally no creativity for the name) is a little classic snake game I challenged myself to code. I challenged myself to get it up working in 24 hours so optimization wasn't my priority at the begginning. I then decided to make it a little more professional and user-friendly. Refactoring is my friend 😉
Since the app was initially intended to run completly front-end, I used the great framework Nextjs. Running the app is as easy as, assuming you have Node installed on your computer:
git clone
cd snake
npm i
npm run dev
- Open a browser and the app is served at
Or simply navigate to
Commits naming follow Andela's conventions and best practices: <type>(<scope>): <subject>``<BLANK LINE> <body> <BLANK LINE> <footer>
Type are :
- feature
- bug
- chore
- performance
- release
- refactor
- documentation
- style
- test
App scopes are :
- game: everything related to the gameplay
- menu: everything related to navigating accross the app (settings, high scores etc.)
- design: everything related to visual rending of the app
- non-func: Non business functional edits (config files, readme etc.)
- Toumani - Initial work - Snake
This project is licensed under the MIT License