This application is designed to help you manage goals and their associated tasks. It provides an intuitive interface for scheduling, editing, and updating goals, allowing users to track progress, handle interruptions, and manage downtime effectively.
Goals Management
Add, edit, and manage goals along with associated tasks. You can schedule when each goal starts and monitor its progress. -
Tasks Scheduling
Each goal can have multiple tasks associated with it. Tasks can be created, edited, and updated dynamically as per the needs of the goal. -
Real-Time Updates
Track the current state of goals and tasks in real-time. The application allows for continuous updates, ensuring you have the most up-to-date information. -
Downtime and Interruptions
Manage downtime or interruptions effectively by marking specific goals as paused or aborted. You can also specify the reasons for downtime. -
Interactive UI
Utilize a modern, interactive UI with modals, popovers, and number inputs for editing tasks, scheduling goals, and handling interruptions.
To run this application, you will need:
- Node.js and npm installed
- A compatible browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.)
- A running API endpoint for managing goals and tasks