Groovy-Configurable DI-Container
Flexible Dependency-Injection that is configurable by groovy-code.
A simple Domain-Specific-Language (DSL) makes wiring up your application as simple as writing a For-Loop to sum up a list of integers.
Want to taste it?
injector {
// The name of this injector
name "ComplexInjection"
// The type of this injector
type "Debug"
// Here comes a list of injection targets
// A injectionTarget is a class, which expects its dependencies to be injected
injectionTarget {
id "ComplexObject"
className ""
fields {
decimalValue new BigDecimal('22.3')
list "java.util.ArrayList"
sampleClass basePackage + "SampleClassToInject"
singleInterface ""
Take a closer look at this statement:
decimalValue new BigDecimal('23.3')
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