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[Release] vMenu v3.0.0

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@TomGrobbe TomGrobbe released this 18 Mar 16:00

vMenu v3.0.0 Changes

Notes before updating ⚠

  • This update changes some file names and project dependencies, including:
    • is now named MenuAPI.dll, please remove the old file from your vMenu folder.
    • is no longer used, you can remove this from the vMenu folder.
  • Make sure to update to the new __resource.lua file when installing this update!
vMenu v3.0.0 changelog

Permission changes

  • vMenu.OnlinePlayers.SeePrivateMessages This is not allowed for anyone by default, but if you really want it enabled then I suggest you only enable this for the server owner/head of your staff team. It allows you to see all PM's from everyone on the server. You can send a PM using the new option in the online players menu, and disable PM's (for yourself, so nobody can PM you and you can't PM anyone else) in the Misc Settings menu. Sending messages is allowed for everyone.
  • vMenu.MiscSettings.OverheadNames Allows you to enable overhead playernames. Note this feature causes issues with other resources that manage this, so don't give this permission to users if you already have some other resource managing this.

Convar changes

  • vmenu_smooth_time_transitions (default: true) Enables 'smooth' time transitions. If you advance time then the time will transition 'smoothly' up to the new time. If you reverse time by less than 2 hours difference, the time will jump straight to that past time. If you reverse time with MORE than 2 hours time difference then that will cause a smooth transition to the next day.
  • vmenu_enable_animals_spawn_menu (default: false) Enables the Animals spawn options in the Player Appearance menu.
  • vmenu_pvp_mode (default: 0) Sets the PVP mode, 0 = do nothing, 1 = enable pvp (friendly fire) for everyone, 2 = disable pvp (friendly fire) for everyone.
  • vmenu_disable_server_info_convars (default: false) Disables the "vMenu Version" and "vMenu UUID" on the serverlist display.
  • vmenu_player_names_distance (default: 500.0) Distance for playerblips to showup. This is using "game units" as measurement. It's unknown what this is in relation to meters or something similar, but 500.0 seems fine in most cases.
  • vmenu_disable_entity_outlines_tool (default: false) Disables the entity model outlines, model hashes, entity handles development tools section.

All changes

  • has been renamed to MenuAPI.dll. This is now no longer in the client_scripts section of the __resource.lua, but instead in the files section.
  • Add 'smooth' camera transitions in the MP Characters creation/editor menu. (See here for a 🎥 preview!:
  • Add a config option to allow server owners to set a preferred distance for the player overhead names to be visible, min range is 100.0, default is 500.0
  • Add a cooldown progress indicator to the weather options menu whenever the weather is currently changing.
  • Add a PVP configuration option for server owners to 'do nothing, enable or disable' pvp.
  • Add a rejoin session button to the connection options menu. If you leave the session, you can rejoin it using that button.
  • Add expanded radar keybind options, enable this in the keybind options menu (misc settings) and press Z (input_multiplayer_info) or dpad_down to toggle the expanded minimap. This will automatically return to the normal map after 8 seconds, or press the toggle key again to collapse the radar manually.
  • Add option to disable server info convars.
  • Add overhead playernames option (in the Misc Settings menu).
  • Add ped/vehicle/prop model dimensions drawing options.
  • Add ped/vehicle/prop model entity handle drawing options.
  • Add ped/vehicle/prop model hash drawing options.
  • Add ped/vehicle/prop model outline 'global disabled' convar option to allow server owners to disable this if they feel it is not suited for their server.
  • Add private message block/disable option to the Misc Settings menu.
  • Add private message option to the Online Players menu.
  • Add recording hotkeys to the keybinds menu options.
  • Add smooth time transitions.
  • Add timecycle modifiers options into the Misc Settings menu.
  • Added 'tattoo' clothing badges/overlays option to the MP Character 'tattoos' section. (There's more than 700 of these overlays...)
  • CFX: Because of the update to the nuget packages, the vMenuShared project is no longer used. Instead a new folder containing 2 classes is a shared folder for both the client and server project. This This means that the is no longer used, you can remove this from the vMenu folder.
  • Change the method used to disconnect yourself using the connection options menu, no longer requiring the player to be kicked from the server side.
  • Completely rebuild the Player Appearance menu. Including: animals, male/female ped submenus, online player ped submenu, ability to filter/search for a specific ped, the "fake" names everyone wanted are finally 'added' 😒 and more.
  • Completely refactor internal handling of tattoos data.
  • Disable first person camera when currently using any animal ped, because that causes crashes (both game crashes and birds "crashing" into the ground because you can't fly when in first person).
  • Disable the MP Character editor while inside a vehicle.
  • Disable the vehicle headlights button when using a controller and toggling the helmet/visor (ped prop, using DPAD_RIGHT).
  • Don't show the IP of a player in the "show player identifiers" (Online Players menu) option.
  • Fix and improve internal functions related to helmet visor/gadget toggling, possible because of a new FiveM PR.
  • Fix issue #152.
  • Fix issue #154.
  • Fix vehicle submenu not updating the first time it is opened after moving it to the new submenu section.
  • Improve bans.json performance by disabling 'pretty/indented formatting' for when there's more than 100 players banned.
  • Keep the menu open (and disable all controls) when the input field is active instead of hiding the menu.
  • Main Menu: Moved (organized) a lot of options into new sub-sections, resulting in a much smaller, and easier to use main menu.
  • Merged pull request #158 by attributeerror, this adds the key fob animations used in GTA:O's personal vehicle menu to the Personal Vehicle submenu in vMenu.
  • Prevent quitting the session when you are the host. This would kick all other players and prevent any new players from joining.
  • Removed unused internal functions, and cleaned up massively in general.
  • Set vehicle model (spawn) names as the right side label for all vehicles in the vehicle spawner menu.
  • Try/Catch decorator natives to fix crashes caused by some buggy client mods.
  • Update client and server CFX API dependencies to the new official NuGet packages.
  • Update MAPI version.
  • Update the about vMenu section.
  • Update the file.
  • Made sure to make the Menu snailsome :mascot: again, like I used to do in the early changelogs.