AWS SAM (ServerLess Application Manager) is an AWS open-source Framework that allows us to create AWS Resources, package dependencies and deploy them directly to AWS. It leverages AWS CloudFormation Stacks and Templates to get our applications in the cloud. An overview of AWS CloudFormation templates and SAM are down-below:
In this tutorial we will be leveraging this example AWS Glue PySpark Job. This project assumes you have an AWS Account w/ valid permissions and AWS Configured locally on your machine.
git clone
The project consists of creating an AWS Glue Job with the depicted workflow down below.
Below are the SAM and AWS CLI commands used in this tutorial for reference.
###create sam app
sam build
###deploy sam app
sam deploy --profile {your-proile-here} --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --guided
###aws command to upload files to s3 Bucket
aws s3 --profile {your-proile-here} cp ./data s3://example-source-glue-pyspark-demo --recursive
###aws command to run AWS Glue Job
aws glue --{your-profile-here} start-job-run --job-name ExampleDemoGlueJobETL