Allows you to select an area of the screen that will be recorded in the video format after activating the hotkeys
Create objects
activator = Activator()
recorder = Recorder()
It is possible set your own parameters
from recorder import Codec
from converter import Format
recorder = Recorder(directory='D:\\Gif\\', codec=Codec.MP4, convert=(Format.Gif, ))
recorder.codec = Codec.AVI
recorder.dir = 'D:\\Folder\\'
Start recording
End recording
For the reason that neither pyinstaller nor auto-py-to-exe can create a working exe file, and I can't understand why, I suggest the following scheme for installation.
Latest on this moment 3.12.2 version is working
Don't do this in a virtual environment because it won't work. (idk why)
If all goes wrong (idk why), don't specify versions in requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
Simpliest way to autorun this program. Running through windows services are not working, even if c# script and service itself working correctly. I think the program doesn't see when I press key combinations (idk why)
Win + R
Make there script.vbs
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Return = WshShell.Run("python D:\VideoShots\", 0, false)