VanityTXID-Plugin v1.6.0 for Electron Cash
v1.6.0 notes:
- SHA256 Checksum: 00003449a1e19a94d82dc7185c1845802c6c3c8aebd67e8083243f5415d9dde1 (0.4 kH/s · 7 mins, 1.5 MiB) The plugin now produces its own Checksum.
- VanityHash, now included, allows vanity checksums for any file. Try it out! The plugin's checksum now starts with 0000. This allows vanity checksums for Token Documents, BFP uploads, etc. Drag & drop file may be in the next version. An 8B nonce is appended to the end of the file.
- Button icons. Address generator MessageBox improved. No nonce for CashAddr Pattern 'P' (same as 'p').
- In C++, 'goto Finish' moved to better place.
- As usual please restart EC during update (re-install).