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englert committed Jan 2, 2019
1 parent 194f869 commit 72a5bff
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Showing 78 changed files with 365 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added 12806.pdf
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Binary file added Linux-commands.pdf
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Binary file added Linux_Bash_szkript.pdf
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Binary file added Linux_hal_adm_a_gyakorlatban_1.4_24_79.pdf
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Binary file added Linuxosszefoglalo.pdf
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Binary file added background/0046_hejprogramozas.pdf
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Binary file added background/02-Backup_megoldasok.pdf
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Binary file added background/02-gyak DHCP, NAT.pdf
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Binary file added background/10-IRF-2012-active-directory.pdf
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Binary file added background/AAA - Azonositas.ppt
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Binary file added background/AD-Man.ppt
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Binary file added background/AD.ppt
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Binary file added background/DNS-DHCP.ppt
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Binary file added background/IRF-2015-gyakorlat-cimtarak.pdf
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Binary file added background/ITIL.ppt
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Binary file added background/LDAP/LDAP.ppt
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Binary file added background/LDAP/ldap_szerver.pdf
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Binary file added background/Linux halozati diagnosztika.pdf
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Binary file added background/Linux_AppArmor.pdf
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Binary file added background/Linux_CUPS.pdf
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Binary file added background/Linux_DHCP.pdf
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Binary file added background/Linux_DNS.pdf
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Binary file added background/Linux_GUI.pdf
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Binary file added background/Linux_IP_alapok.pdf
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Binary file added background/Linux_Kerberos.pdf
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Binary file added background/Linux_LDAP.pdf
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Binary file added background/Linux_Mail.pdf
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Binary file added background/Linux_Monitorozás_Munin.pdf
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Binary file added background/Linux_NFS.pdf
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Binary file added background/Linux_NIS.pdf
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Binary file added background/Linux_SSH.pdf
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Binary file added background/Linux_Samba.pdf
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Binary file added background/Linux_disztribúciók.pdf
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Binary file added background/Linux_futási_szintek.pdf
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Binary file added background/Linux_fájlrendszer_kezelés.pdf
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Binary file added background/Linux_init.d_szcriptek.pdf
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Binary file added background/Linux_jogosultságok.pdf
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Binary file added background/Linux_könyvtárszerkezet.pdf
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Binary file added background/Linux_titkosítás.pdf
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Binary file added background/Linux_története.pdf
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Binary file added background/Linux_tűzfal.pdf
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Binary file added background/SariZoltan_Tuzfalak.pdf
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365 changes: 365 additions & 0 deletions background/
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#!/usr/bin/env bash

#important variables
declare -ia board # array that keeps track of game status
declare -i pieces # number of pieces present on board
declare -i score=0 # score variable
declare -i flag_skip # flag that prevents doing more than one operation on
# single field in one step
declare -i moves # stores number of possible moves to determine if player lost
# the game
declare ESC=$'\e' # escape byte
declare header="Bash 2048 v1.1 ("

declare -i start_time=$(date +%s)

#default config
declare -i board_size=4
declare -i target=2048
declare -i reload_flag=0
declare config_dir="$HOME/.bash2048"

#for colorizing numbers
declare -a colors
colors[2]=33 # yellow text
colors[4]=32 # green text
colors[8]=34 # blue text
colors[16]=36 # cyan text
colors[32]=35 # purple text
colors[64]="33m\033[7" # yellow background
colors[128]="32m\033[7" # green background
colors[256]="34m\033[7" # blue background
colors[512]="36m\033[7" # cyan background
colors[1024]="35m\033[7" # purple background
colors[2048]="31m\033[7" # red background (won with default target)

exec 3>/dev/null # no logging by default

trap "end_game 0 1" INT #handle INT signal

#simplified replacement of seq command
function _seq {
local cur=1
local max
local inc=1
case $# in
1) let max=$1;;
2) let cur=$1
let max=$2;;
3) let cur=$1
let inc=$2
let max=$3;;
while test $max -ge $cur; do
printf "$cur "
let cur+=inc

# print currect status of the game, last added pieces are marked red
function print_board {
printf "$header pieces=$pieces target=$target score=$score\n"
printf "Board status:\n" >&3
printf "\n"
printf '/------'
for l in $(_seq 1 $index_max); do
printf '+------'
printf '\\\n'
for l in $(_seq 0 $index_max); do
printf '|'
for m in $(_seq 0 $index_max); do
if let ${board[l*$board_size+m]}; then
if let '(last_added==(l*board_size+m))|(first_round==(l*board_size+m))'; then
printf '\033[1m\033[31m %4d \033[0m|' ${board[l*$board_size+m]}
printf "\033[1m\033[${colors[${board[l*$board_size+m]}]}m %4d\033[0m |" ${board[l*$board_size+m]}
printf " %4d |" ${board[l*$board_size+m]} >&3
printf ' |'
printf ' |' >&3
let l==$index_max || {
printf '\n|------'
for l in $(_seq 1 $index_max); do
printf '+------'
printf '|\n'
printf '\n' >&3
printf '\n\\------'
for l in $(_seq 1 $index_max); do
printf '+------'
printf '/\n'

# Generate new piece on the board
# inputs:
# $board - original state of the game board
# $pieces - original number of pieces
# outputs:
# $board - new state of the game board
# $pieces - new number of pieces
function generate_piece {
while true; do
let pos=RANDOM%fields_total
let board[$pos] || {
let value=RANDOM%10?2:4
printf "Generated new piece with value $value at position [$pos]\n" >&3
let pieces++

# perform push operation between two pieces
# inputs:
# $1 - push position, for horizontal push this is row, for vertical column
# $2 - recipient piece, this will hold result if moving or joining
# $3 - originator piece, after moving or joining this will be left empty
# $4 - direction of push, can be either "up", "down", "left" or "right"
# $5 - if anything is passed, do not perform the push, only update number
# of valid moves
# $board - original state of the game board
# outputs:
# $change - indicates if the board was changed this round
# $flag_skip - indicates that recipient piece cannot be modified further
# $board - new state of the game board
function push_pieces {
case $4 in
let "first=$2*$board_size+$1"
let "second=($2+$3)*$board_size+$1"
let "first=(index_max-$2)*$board_size+$1"
let "second=(index_max-$2-$3)*$board_size+$1"
let "first=$1*$board_size+$2"
let "second=$1*$board_size+($2+$3)"
let "first=$1*$board_size+(index_max-$2)"
let "second=$1*$board_size+(index_max-$2-$3)"
let ${board[$first]} || {
let ${board[$second]} && {
if test -z $5; then
let board[$second]=0
let change=1
printf "move piece with value ${board[$first]} from [$second] to [$first]\n" >&3
let moves++
let ${board[$second]} && let flag_skip=1
let "${board[$first]}==${board[second]}" && {
if test -z $5; then
let board[$first]*=2
let "board[$first]==$target" && end_game 1
let board[$second]=0
let pieces-=1
let change=1
let score+=${board[$first]}
printf "joined piece from [$second] with [$first], new value=${board[$first]}\n" >&3
let moves++

function apply_push {
printf "\n\ninput: $1 key\n" >&3
for i in $(_seq 0 $index_max); do
for j in $(_seq 0 $index_max); do
let increment_max=index_max-j
for k in $(_seq 1 $increment_max); do
let flag_skip && break
push_pieces $i $j $k $1 $2

function check_moves {
let moves=0
apply_push up fake
apply_push down fake
apply_push left fake
apply_push right fake

function key_react {
let change=0
read -d '' -sn 1
test "$REPLY" = "$ESC" && {
read -d '' -sn 1 -t1
test "$REPLY" = "[" && {
read -d '' -sn 1 -t1
case $REPLY in
A) apply_push up;;
B) apply_push down;;
C) apply_push right;;
D) apply_push left;;
} || {
case $REPLY in
k) apply_push up;;
j) apply_push down;;
l) apply_push right;;
h) apply_push left;;

w) apply_push up;;
s) apply_push down;;
d) apply_push right;;
a) apply_push left;;

function save_game {
rm -rf "$config_dir"
mkdir "$config_dir"
echo "${board[@]}" > "$config_dir/board"
echo "$board_size" > "$config_dir/board_size"
echo "$pieces" > "$config_dir/pieces"
echo "$target" > "$config_dir/target"
# echo "$log_file" > "$config_dir/log_file"
echo "$score" > "$config_dir/score"
echo "$first_round" > "$config_dir/first_round"

function reload_game {
printf "Loading saved game...\n" >&3

if test ! -d "$config_dir"; then
board=(`cat "$config_dir/board"`)
board_size=(`cat "$config_dir/board_size"`)
board=(`cat "$config_dir/board"`)
pieces=(`cat "$config_dir/pieces"`)
first_round=(`cat "$config_dir/first_round"`)
target=(`cat "$config_dir/target"`)
score=(`cat "$config_dir/score"`)


function end_game {
# count game duration
end_time=$(date +%s)
let total_time=end_time-start_time

printf "Your score: $score\n"

printf "This game lasted "

`date --version > /dev/null 2>&1`
if [[ "$?" -eq 0 ]]; then
date -u -d @${total_time} +%T
date -u -r ${total_time} +%T

stty echo
let $1 && {
printf "Congratulations you have achieved $target\n"
exit 0
let test -z $2 && {
read -n1 -p "Do you want to overwrite saved game? [y|N]: "
test "$REPLY" = "Y" || test "$REPLY" = "y" && {
printf "\nGame saved. Use -r option next to load this game.\n"
exit 0
test "$REPLY" = "" && {
printf "\nGame not saved.\n"
exit 0
printf "\nYou have lost, better luck next time.\033[0m\n"
exit 0

function help {
cat <<END_HELP
Usage: $1 [-b INTEGER] [-t INTEGER] [-l FILE] [-r] [-h]
-b specify game board size (sizes 3-9 allowed)
-t specify target score to win (needs to be power of 2)
-l log debug info into specified file
-r reload the previous game
-h this help

#parse commandline options
while getopts "b:t:l:rh" opt; do
case $opt in
b ) board_size="$OPTARG"
let '(board_size>=3)&(board_size<=9)' || {
printf "Invalid board size, please choose size between 3 and 9\n"
exit -1
t ) target="$OPTARG"
printf "obase=2;$target\n" | bc | grep -e '^1[^1]*$'
let $? && {
printf "Invalid target, has to be power of two\n"
exit -1
r ) reload_flag="1";;
h ) help $0
exit 0;;
l ) exec 3>$OPTARG;;
\?) printf "Invalid option: -"$opt", try $0 -h\n" >&2
exit 1;;
: ) printf "Option -"$opt" requires an argument, try $0 -h\n" >&2
exit 1;;

#init board
let fields_total=board_size*board_size
let index_max=board_size-1
for i in $(_seq 0 $fields_total); do board[$i]="0"; done
let pieces=0

#load saved game if flag is set
if test $reload_flag = "1"; then

while true; do
let change && generate_piece
let pieces==fields_total && {
let moves==0 && end_game 0 #lose the game
Binary file added background/cloud_developer_ea.pdf
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Binary file added background/devops_v2.2.pdf
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Binary file added background/dhcp/DHCP 2014.pdf
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Binary file added background/dns/BIND9 2014.pdf
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Binary file added background/dns/DNS 2014.pdf
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Binary file added background/dns/DNS.pdf
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Binary file added background/ftp/FTP 2014.pdf
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Binary file added background/hejprogramozas.pdf
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Binary file added background/http/HTTP 2014.pdf
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Binary file added background/linux_nfs_telepítés.pdf
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Binary file added background/linux_samba_telepítés.pdf
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Binary file added background/linux_script_backup_jelszó.pdf
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Binary file added background/samba/samba 2014.pdf
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Binary file added background/samba/samba.pdf
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Binary file added background/sysadmin_I.pdf
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Binary file added background/sysadmin_II.pdf
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Binary file added background/sysadmin_III.pdf
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Binary file added l01.pdf
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Binary file added l02.pdf
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Binary file added l03.pdf
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Binary file added l04.pdf
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Binary file added l05.pdf
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Binary file added l06.pdf
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Binary file added l09.pdf
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Binary file added linux_hal_adm_a_gyakorlatban_1.3.pdf
Binary file not shown.

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