Python, Javascript, Shell, and CouchDB.
Basic deployment shell script for NeCTAR cloud servers.
Basic shell script for harvesting Melbourne tweets from 2017.8 to 2018.7.
Split files from 1 and import into CouchDB.
Partition code is in the Deep analysis/
3.1 Elementary analysis
(You should have the files before running funcions!)
Active users:
Users who posted at least 300 and above tweets are regarded as active users.
Three criteria:
1. CR1. Coordinates
Filter users who always posted tweets with the fixed coordinates and never moved.
At least 10 tweets the user has.
2. CR2. Followers/Followees
Filter users whose number of followees is much bigger than followers.
At least 300 followees and less than 100 followers. Followers/Followees < 0.1.
3. CR3. Retweets/Tweets
Filter users whose number of retweets is much greater than tweets.
At least 300 retweets and less than 100 original tweets. Tweets/Retweets < 0.1.
3.2 Deep analysis
Some deep analysis to filter normal users and bots.
Codes are in the folder: Deep analysis.
Local host with Javascript to show the result.
Some of the output JSON files.
Exclude the big JSON file.