Test drive programming fonts online in your browser. The interactive counter part of the Tumblr Blog.
ProgrammingFonts.org makes it easier to find monospaced fonts. All fonts in one place, with proper credits towards the creators. It's not a download portal, we don't track anything, it's strictly by nerds and designers for nerds and designers.
Now featuring side by side comparison, and more code samples!
This website is powered by coffee. No ads, no tracking, no monetization. We do have some costs for the domain name however. Please feel free to make a little donation via PayPal to keep this labour of love running. It's much appreciated!
- All information about the fonts is stored in fonts.json.
- Which adheres to a schema.
- Font files are stored in fonts/resources.
- We store only 4 variants (if available), in
format (if available): regular, italic, bold, bold+italic
- We store only 4 variants (if available), in
- All font files (and directories) are normalized to lowercase, without
unless it's really part of the name. - The fonts.less registers the variants for each font "alias" and is used to generate the stylesheets.
- The license needs to allow serving in a website, or an agreement with the font creators needs to be made. If available we add a license file along with the font files.
- Running
checks the json and builds the stylesheet. - Run
python3 listing.py
to print an updated list of all the fonts, be sure to update this README with your addition.
A complete list of fonts in this project is all the way at the bottom of this README. However, some fonts are not included in the project:
We've been able to license some commercial fonts for programmingfonts.org, but there are simply too many out there... including:
- Aeonik Mono: https://cotypefoundry.com/our-fonts/aeonik-mono/
- Akkurat Mono: https://lineto.com/typefaces/akkurat-mono
- Andale: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/font-list/andale-mono
- Aperçu: https://www.colophon-foundry.org/typefaces/apercu
- Berkeley Mono: https://berkeleygraphics.com/typefaces/berkeley-mono/
- Consolas: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/font-list/consolas
- Courier (New): https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/font-list/courier-new
- Dank Mono: https://philpl.gumroad.com/l/dank-mono
- GT America Mono: http://www.gt-america.com
- GT Pressura Mono: https://gt-pressura.com
- Lucida Console: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/font-list/lucida-console
- Maison Mono: https://www.myfonts.com/products/maison-mono-pack-package-944927
- Menlo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menlo_(typeface)
- Monaco: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monaco_(typeface)
- Native: https://fortfoundry.com/fonts/native
- Operator: https://www.typography.com/fonts/operator/overview
- Pitch: https://klim.co.nz/retail-fonts/pitch/
- PragmataPro: https://fsd.it/shop/fonts/pragmatapro/
- San Francisco Mono: https://developer.apple.com/fonts/
To date we've been unable to find a reliable source of information or downloads for these fonts, although we know they're out there:
- Cruft
- Espresso Mono
- Selectric
- Topaz-8
- DejaVu Markup
- Natural Mono
Some bitmap fonts are only available in (Windows) FON files. Sometimes conversions to TTF are available, but they don't always work. Sadly we can't include these on the website:
- Dina: https://www.dcmembers.com/jibsen/download/61/
- Glean: https://github.com/benwr/glean
- Neep: https://github.com/nikolas/jmk-x11-fonts
- Tamsyn: http://www.fial.com/~scott/tamsyn-font/
- Triskweline: http://www.netalive.org/tinkering/triskweline/
- UW ttyp0: https://people.mpi-inf.mpg.de/~uwe/misc/uw-ttyp0/
- Zevv-peep: https://github.com/netyaroze/zevv-peep
These fonts combine different fonts, that are mostly already featured on this website, to create a complete set of characters for both latin script, and CJK:
- Ricty Diminished: https://github.com/edihbrandon/RictyDiminished (combines Inconsolata for Latin script with M+ for others)
- Sarasa-Gothic: https://github.com/be5invis/Sarasa-Gothic A CJK programming font based on Iosevka and Source Han Sans.
The PICO-8 project combines and tweaks several fonts for PICO-8 programming: https://github.com/juanitogan/p8-programming-fonts
There are sometimes near infinite variations of certain fonts. Take for instance the variable weights and all the options of a configurable font like Commit Mono. Certain fonts also come with dozens of (OpenType) variations to change shapes of characters, zero styles, ligatures, etc. We hint at these possibilities in programmingfonts.org, but for details you really need to explore the websites of these fonts.
- We only include the basic 4 styles of any font to ensure correct rendering in the preview, but don't let you explore all the weights and variations.
- Open type alternatives for zero style, and others (for instance all the different variations possible with Input Mono) are not exposed.
- Programming ligatures (e.g.
) are switched on, but if you don't like them most editors will allow you to switch them off. - Character set coverage and other valuable information, e.g. if a font has true italics, is not exposed. If you have specific use cases, known candidates for wide character set coverage include Noto, DejaVu and GNU Unifont, whereas M+ covers most CJK sets.
- Agave MIT (view)
- Anka/Coder SIL OFL (view)
- Anonymous Pro SIL OFL (view)
- APL2741 public domain (view)
- APL385 public domain (view)
- Atkinson Hyperlegible Mono SIL OFL (view)
- AudioLink Mono SIL OFL (view)
- Aurulent Sans Mono SIL OFL (view)
- Average Mono GNU GPL (view)
- Azeret Mono SIL OFL (view)
- B612 Mono SIL OFL (view)
- Bedstead public domain (view)
- BigBlue Terminal CC BY-SA 4.0 (view)
- Binchotan Sharp SIL OFL (view)
- Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Bitstream Vera (view)
- Borg Sans Mono Apache (view)
- BPmono CC BY-ND 3.0 (view)
- Bront DejaVu Sans Mono Bitstream Vera (view)
- Bront Ubuntu Mono none (view)
- CamingoCode CC BY-ND 3.0 (view)
- Cartograph commercial (view)
- Cascadia Code SIL OFL (view)
- Chivo Mono SIL OFL (view)
- Computer Modern Unicode Typewriter SIL OFL (view)
- Code New Roman SIL OFL (view)
- Comic Mono MIT (view)
- Comic Shanns MIT (view)
- Commit Mono SIL OFL (view)
- Consolamono SIL OFL (view)
- Courier Prime SIL OFL (view)
- Courier Prime Code SIL OFL (view)
- Courier Prime Sans SIL OFL (view)
- Cousine Apache (view)
- Cozette MIT (view)
- Cutive Mono SIL OFL (view)
- D2Coding SIL OFL (view)
- DaddyTimeMono SIL OFL (view)
- DejaVu Mono Bitstream Vera (view)
- Departure Mono SIL OFL (view)
- DM Mono SIL OFL (view)
- DPSDbeyond SIL OFL (view)
- Drafting* Mono SIL OFL (view)
- Droid Sans Apache (view)
- Edlo SIL OFL (view)
- Effects Eighty SIL OFL (view)
- Eirian SIL OFL (view)
- Ellograph commercial (view)
- Envy Code B none (view)
- Envy Code R SIL OFL (view)
- Fairfax SIL OFL (view)
- Fairfax HD SIL OFL (view)
- Fairfax Hax HD SIL OFL (view)
- Fairfax Serif SIL OFL (view)
- Fantasque Sans Mono SIL OFL (view)
- Fifteen SIL OFL (view)
- Fira Mono SIL OFL (view)
- Fira Code SIL OFL (view)
- Fixedsys GNU GPL (view)
- Fixedsys with Ligatures public domain (view)
- 3270 __ (view)
- Fragment Mono SIL OFL (view)
- Generic Mono SIL OFL (view)
- Geist SIL OFL (view)
- Gintronic commercial (view)
- GNU Freefont GNU GPL (view)
- Go Mono MIT (view)
- Gohufont 11 WTFPL (view)
- Gohufont 14 WTFPL (view)
- Hack MIT (view)
- Hasklig SIL OFL (view)
- Hermit SIL OFL (view)
- Heterodox Mono SIL OFL (view)
- iA Writer Mono SIL OFL (view)
- IBM VGA 9x16 CC BY-SA 4.0 (view)
- Inconsolata SIL OFL (view)
- Inconsolata-g SIL OFL (view)
- InconsolataGo SIL OFL (view)
- Inconsolata OTF SIL OFL (view)
- Indicate Mono commercial (view)
- Input commercial (view)
- Intel One Mono SIL OFL (view)
- Iosevka SIL OFL (view)
- JetBrains Mono SIL OFL (view)
- JuliaMono SIL OFL (view)
- Latin Modern Mono GUST font license (view)
- League Mono SIL OFL (view)
- Lekton SIL OFL (view)
- Liberation Mono SIL OFL (view)
- Lilex SIL OFL (view)
- Lotion SIL OFL (view)
- Luculent SIL OFL (view)
- Luxi Mono Luxi License (view)
- Maple SIL OFL (view)
- Martian Mono SIL OFL (view)
- Mensch Bitstream Vera (view)
- Meslo Bitstream Vera (view)
- Monaspace Argon SIL OFL (view)
- Monaspace Krypton SIL OFL (view)
- Monaspace Neon SIL OFL (view)
- Monaspace Radon SIL OFL (view)
- Monaspace Xenon SIL OFL (view)
- Monocraft SIL OFL (view)
- Monoflow commercial (view)
- Monofoki SIL OFL (view)
- Monofur freeware (view)
- Monoid MIT (view)
- MonoLisa commercial (view)
- Mononoki SIL OFL (view)
- M PLUS Code SIL OFL (view)
- Nanum Gothic Coding SIL OFL (view)
- NK57 Monospace public domain (view)
- NotCourierSans GNU GPL (view)
- Noto Mono SIL OFL (view)
- Nova Mono SIL OFL (view)
- Office Code Pro SIL OFL (view)
- OpenDyslexic Mono SIL OFL (view)
- Overpass Mono SIL OFL (view)
- 0xProto SIL OFL (view)
- Oxygen Mono SIL OFL (view)
- IBM Plex Mono SIL OFL (view)
- Press Start 2P __ (view)
- Profont MIT (view)
- Proggy Clean MIT (view)
- Proggy Vector MIT (view)
- PT Mono SIL OFL (view)
- Quinze SIL OFL (view)
- Recursive SIL OFL (view)
- Reddit Sans Mono SIL OFL (view)
- Red Hat Mono SIL OFL (view)
- Roboto Mono Apache (view)
- saxMono freeware (view)
- Scientifica SIL OFL (view)
- Serious Shanns MIT (view)
- Share Tech Mono SIL OFL (view)
- SK Modernist Mono commercial (view)
- Sligoil SIL OFL (view)
- Sometype Mono SIL OFL (view)
- Sono SIL OFL (view)
- Source Code Pro SIL OFL (view)
- Space Mono SIL OFL (view)
- Spleen BSD-2-Clause (view)
- Sudo SIL OFL (view)
- Terminus (TTF) SIL OFL (view)
- TeX Gyre Cursor GUST font license (view)
- Twilio Sans Mono SIL OFL (view)
- Ubuntu Mono Ubuntu Font Licence (view)
- GNU Unifont GNU GPL (view)
- UnifontEX GNU GPL (view)
- Verily Serif Mono Bitstream Vera (view)
- Victor Mono MIT (view)
- VT323 SIL OFL (view)