Project using Next.js and Python by TreinaWeb.
Tecnologies: Next.js React Python Django SQLite
Install Node.js
Install VSCode
Install Python
Habilitar a execução de scripts no Windows: Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
Criar o projeto npx create-next-app . --ts
Iniciar o servidor npm run dev
instalar npm i @mui/[email protected] @emotion/[email protected] @emotion/[email protected]
Criar e ativar a virtualenv python3 -m venv .venv source .venv/bin/activate
Instalar o Django pip install django
Criar o projeto django-admin startproject myteacher .
Iniciar o servidor python runserver
Install npm i [email protected] - client http (possibilita realizar chamadas HTTP para outras API's)
- Run code npm run dev
Create and start Django django-admin startproject mysite
Run code python runserver
- Create new migration python .\ makemigrations
- Create by migration python .\ migrate
MUI Material
Hooks and States