Releases: TheUltDev/XenoBotScripts
Releases · TheUltDev/XenoBotScripts
- Fixed a bug with the elemental spheres gem machine
- Fixed a bug when building the magic shooter
- Fixed a bug causing scripts to sometimes skip going to the bank
- Fixed a bug causing scripts to buy more ammunition than it needed
- Fixed a spelling error in the Edron Demons config file
- Fixed the mana restorer's range issue when detecting creatures
- Added container names over the backpack names
- Added missing gems to Vicious Squire's loot table
- Improved rounding up gold costs
- Improved special areas in Edron Vampire Crypt -3, -4
- Improved paladin healing setup on all paladin scripts
- Improved 2 waypoints in Edron Dragons
- Improved targeting for Cormaya Leaf Golems
- Removed broadsword from the blacklist in Edron Dragons
- Removed broadsword from the blacklist in Darashia Dragons
- Removed broadsword from the blacklist in Darashia Dragon Lords
- Various shop related issues
- Various Thais depot issues
- Various Venore depot issues
- Reaching Darashia bank
- Repairing Soft Boots on Open Tibia servers
- Walking through doors when leaving Darashia Elder Wyrms
- Walking through doors when leaving Darashia Wyrms
- HUD displaying correct bank balance
- HUD counting loot from Stone Golems
- Automatically buying backpacks if depot backpacks don't exist
- Invisible creature shooter
- All items with duration to the HUD
- Vicious Squire loot table
- Added Mantassin Scout to Deeper Quara Grotto
- Added Mantassin Scout to Quara Grotto
- Added Mummy to Edron Vampire Crypt -3, -4
- Added targeting special areas to Goroma Demons
- Added looting special areas to Edron Demon War
- Added more items to the blacklist for Port Hope South Water Elementals
- Added more items to the blacklist for Port Hope Water Elementals
- Added more items to the blacklist for Mother of Ancient Scarabs Lair -4, -5
- Added scale armor to the blacklist for Peninsula Tomb -2
- Revised waypoints for Darashia Dragons
- Revised targeting for Peninsula Tomb -1
- Revised targeting for Peninsula Tomb -2
- Revised hell hound route for Goroma Demons
- Disabled looter while running through Necromancer Quest in Darashia Elder Wyrms
- Disabled looter while running through Necromancer Quest in Darashia Wyrms
- Morgaroth's floor as an option for [RP] Goroma Demons
- Venore Amazon Camp when returning to town
- Port Hope Swamp Trolls targeting
- Edron Vampire Crypt whitelist
- Port Hope Carniphilas blacklist
- Peninsula Tomb -1 blacklist
- Peninsula Tomb -2 blacklist
- Stonehome Rotworms looter minimum value
- Lion's Rock loot list
- Medusa Tower loot list
- Deeper Quara Grotto default configs
- Thais Paw Collector eat food from wolves/bears
- Meriana Gargoyle Cave (ED/MS) spells
- Meriana Gargoyle Cave (ED/MS/RP) looting stance
- Yalahar Travel Routes
- Yalahar Arena Quarter
- Yalahar Foreign Quarter
- Venore Amazon Camp, added lions to targeting
- Venore Amazon Camp blacklist
- Venore Elves blacklist
- Venore Swamplings blacklist
- Port Hope Swamp Trolls blacklist
- Anti-lure wait time has been increased to 30 seconds
- Loading temporary XBST files for characters that contain special letters in their name
- Meriana "stone golem" spelling error
- A note to all config files (Update your Support if your change default potions)
- Rush to 2nd floor option to Edron Vampire Crypt -3, -4
- Necromancer to if-stuck for Wyrms & Elder Wyrms
- Second Floor route option for Cormaya Leaf Golems
- Edron Vampire Crypt -3, -4 (removed the snake room)
- Quara Grotto's type changed from "moneymaker" to "casual"
- Deeper Quara Grotto for Paladins default ammo was changed
- Carniphila targeting for ED/MS/RP