Various shop related issues
Various Thais depot issues
Various Venore depot issues
Reaching Darashia bank
Repairing Soft Boots on Open Tibia servers
Walking through doors when leaving Darashia Elder Wyrms
Walking through doors when leaving Darashia Wyrms
HUD displaying correct bank balance
HUD counting loot from Stone Golems
Automatically buying backpacks if depot backpacks don't exist
Invisible creature shooter
All items with duration to the HUD
Vicious Squire loot table
Added Mantassin Scout to Deeper Quara Grotto
Added Mantassin Scout to Quara Grotto
Added Mummy to Edron Vampire Crypt -3, -4
Added targeting special areas to Goroma Demons
Added looting special areas to Edron Demon War
Added more items to the blacklist for Port Hope South Water Elementals
Added more items to the blacklist for Port Hope Water Elementals
Added more items to the blacklist for Mother of Ancient Scarabs Lair -4, -5
Added scale armor to the blacklist for Peninsula Tomb -2
Revised waypoints for Darashia Dragons
Revised targeting for Peninsula Tomb -1
Revised targeting for Peninsula Tomb -2
Revised hell hound route for Goroma Demons
Disabled looter while running through Necromancer Quest in Darashia Elder Wyrms
Disabled looter while running through Necromancer Quest in Darashia Wyrms
Morgaroth's floor as an option for [RP] Goroma Demons
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