This project is focused on Decentralised Swarm Operation, from simulation, navigation to production. If you want to contribute to this project, comment and we can collaborate.
What will you need? Ubuntu 22.04 ROS2 Humble atleast November 1st 2023 update -> Gazebo, can be installed along with ROS2 NAV2, has to be installed along with ROS2 this multi robot work is using robot from Linorobot 2 project -> (It is included in this project) Or Turtlebot3 downloaded through ROS2 packages
If you have all these already you can download this repository: git clone
build your environment in the local file: colcon build --merge-install #for colcon build error around cmake with Gazebo files colcon build --merge-install --packages-select swarm_gazebo --cmake-args -Wno-dev
Then just source your newly built files: source install/setup.bash
For simulation of multiple robots there is an easy launcher ready: #new dynamic number of robots for spawning using swarm_size arg #max size is set to 100, can be expanded in in swarm descrition
ros2 launch swarm_gazebo swarm_size:=100
#new multi launch works pretty much same, but should be more general approach #with changeble robot types (linorobot/turtlebot,etc.) #also this one autogenerates parameter files and autostarts nav2 with RVIZ on every robot (much more demanding) ros2 launch swarm_gazebo swarm_size:=20
Try some of the robot commander scripts in swarm_navigation(you have to move to src/swarm/swarm_navigation): python3 --robot Srobot1
good to know tricks: #rostopic show all running robots ros2 topic list | grep --only-matching 'Srobot[^/]*' | sort --unique #used in multi robot navigation starter
ros2 launch swarm_gazebo #launch file for multi robot spawning
#teleoperation file ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard --ros-args --remap cmd_vel:=/Srobot1/cmd_vel #change the remap to fit the robot that you want
#first launch should be paused becouse of gazebo ros2 launch swarm_gazebo pause:=true
usage of TF2_TOOLS ros2 run tf2_tools view_frames --ros-args -r __ns:=/Srobot1 -r /tf:=tf -r /tf_static:=tf_static
#navigation solo starter ros2 launch swarm_gazebo namespace:=/Srobot1
#start all navigations at once ros2 launch swarm_gazebo