On fresh Hyprland, install all required packages and clone this repository at
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/TheLp281/dotfiles ~/.config
source = ~/.config/dotfiles/hyprland/hyprland.conf
and remove everything elseecho "source = ~/.config/dotfiles/hyprland/hyprland.conf" > ~/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf
- Create a symbolic link of waybar config
ln -s ~/.config/dotfiles/waybar ~/.config/waybar
- Add a wallpaper at ~/Pictures/Wallpapers.
I personally prefer cloning wallpaper bank
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/JaKooLit/Wallpaper-Bank ~/Pictures/Wallpapers
- Install packages below and relogin
- hyprland, hyprpaper, hyprpicker, hyprlock, hypridle
- kitty
- rofi-wayland
- swaync
- waybar
- noto-fonts-emoji
- fastfetch
- imagemagick
- pavucontrol
- mpv
- copyq
- polkit-gnome
- mpd-mpris
- polkit-kde-agent
- neovim (AUR)
- hyprshot (AUR)
- wlogout (AUR)
sudo pacman -S --needed --noconfirm hyprland hyprpaper hyprpicker hyprlock hypridle kitty rofi-wayland swaync waybar noto-fonts-emoji fastfetch imagemagick mpv copyq polkit-gnome pavucontrol polkit-kde-agent
yay -S hyprshot wlogout --noconfirm
sudo pacman -S --needed --noconfirm fish bat lolcat reflector lynx vifm ncmpcpp expac btrfs-progs snapper thefuck starship
yay -S cpuid moc pokemon-colorscripts
sudo sh -c "curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/holman/spark/master/spark -o /usr/local/sbin/spark && chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/spark"
yay -S neovim-git vscode-js-debug --noconfirm
sudo pacman -S python-debugpy --noconfirm
ln -s ~/.config/dotfiles/nvim ~/.config/nvim
sudo pacman -S --noconfirm mpd-mpris
copy hatsunemiku folder into /usr/share/icons
sudo cp -r ~/.config/dotfiles/hatsunemiku /usr/share/icons
in ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini set gtk-cursor-theme-name to hatsunemiku
sed -i 's/^gtk-cursor-theme-name=.*/gtk-cursor-theme-name=hatsunemiku/' ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
- Open the CopyQ main window
- Open CopyQ Preferences under the File > Preferences menu
- Click Appearance in the Configuration window
- Click Load Theme and select theme.ini
- Copy candy folder into /usr/share/icons
sudo cp -r ~/.config/dotfiles/candy /usr/share/icons
- Set icon theme
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme 'candy-icon'
- Create a symbolic link of swaync config
- ln -s ~/.config/dotfiles/swaync ~/.config/swaync
- Create a symbolic link of fish config
ln -s ~/.config/dotfiles/fish ~/.config/fish