A basic Flutter project that tests the flutter_randomcolor Dart package for generating attractive random colors.
flutter_randomcolor is a Dart port of David Merfield's randomColor JavaScript utility.
Flutter Random Color Tester is actually a Flutter web app that you can run in your browser to generate dozens or hundreds of attractive random colors. You can select options to influence the type of color it produces and copy the generated colors to the clipboard for reuse in other apps or places.
Just open https://frctester.techaurelian.com in your browser to give it a try.
If you don't have the Flutter SDK installed, please visit the official Flutter website.
Fetch the latest source code from the main branch.
git clone https://github.com/TechAurelian/flutter_random_color_tester.git
- Run the app with Visual Studio Code or Android Studio. Or the command line.
flutter pub get
flutter run
- Flutter - Build apps for any screen.
- Visual Studio Code - Code editing. Redefined.
- flutter_randomcolor - A dart package for generating attractive random colors.
- url_launcher - A Flutter plugin for launching a URL.
- GitHub Pages - Websites for you and your projects, hosted directly from your GitHub repository.
If you have an issue or found a bug, please raise a GitHub issue here. Pull requests are also welcome.
Flutter Random Color Tester is licensed under the MIT license.