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Headless Driver Station

Enables FRC robots on ethernet connection.

Now an affordable high quality Armabot product!



  1. Download Armbian Debian Stretch
  2. Unzip .img file
  3. Plug in microSD card
  4. Figure out what device the SD card is by running lsblk. The device name is the one that will automatically mount to /media/. Note the drive device name, not the partition one (/dev/mmcblk0 instead of dev/mmcblk0p1)
  5. (Optional) Only if the card has mounted: Unmount the SD card by using the eject in the file explorer or running sudo umount <partitionName>. Repeat for as many partitions as have been mounted.
  6. Mount .img to SD using sudo dd bs=4M if=<filepathToArmbianImg> of=<deviceName> conv=fsync status=progress
  7. Connect OrangePi to ethernet and put in SD card w/ power
  8. SSH into OrangePi (default user = root, pw = 1234) or use the serial monitor (USB)
  9. Set up new user as "frcuser" with pw "admin"
  10. Install DietPi over the Armbian install using these instructions. Restart as necessary.
  11. SSH into the OrangePi again (default user = root, pw = dietpi)
  12. Set the new unix password to the default pw and continue installer until config screen comes up.
  13. Search for "pip" and "git client" packages and install those
  14. Change the default SSH client to OpenSSH
  15. Proceed by selecting "Install" and selecting "Opt Out" when prompted for the survey. Wifi is not needed, nor is the serial port.
  16. SSH back into the system after reboot and run dietpi-config
  17. Scroll to "advanced options" then "Swapfile". Press "OK" when prompted.
  18. Select /dev/mmcblk0p1 or equivalent and enter "0" for the swapfile value
  19. Go back out to "Network Options: Misc" and press "Boot Net Wait". Select "0: Disabled" and press OK
  20. Back out again and select "Network Options: Adapters" and turn off the WiFi adapter option.
  21. Change the "dietpi" user to "frcuser" by running usermod -l frcuser -d /home/frcuser -m dietpi
  22. Exit all the way out of the config and run apt-get install avahi-daemon net-tools libnss-mdns info install-info tshark apache2 php policykit-1 libapache2-mod-dnssd. This will install the avahi hostname daemon, ifconfig, mdns resolver, http server, and packet analyzer.
  23. Enable the http server on startup by running systemctl enable apache2.service
  24. Enable the avahi mdns resolver by executing systemctl enable avahi-daemon.service
  25. Give root permissions to "www-data" so the http server can execute systemctl commands: sudo visudo or sudo nano /etc/sudoers and add this to the bottom: www-data ALL = NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl
  26. Edit the apache2 config file through nano using nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and add these two lines:
  • LoadModule dnssd_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
  • DNSSDEnable on
  1. Set the hostname to "headless-ds" by executing sudo nano /etc/hostname and changing the contents of the file to "headless-ds" (without the quotes).
  2. Run apt-get update and apt-get upgrade
  3. Ensure that the current directory is /home/frcuser/ (if not change it to that using cd /home/frcuser/). Clone the headless-ds Git repository using git clone
  4. Remove existing files and create symlinks in their place. Run rm <dest> then sudo ln -s <src> <dest> for each of the following pairs of <src> <dest>:
Source <src> Destination <dest> Description
/home/frcuser/headless-ds/headless-ds.service /lib/systemd/system/headless-ds.service systemctl service config
/home/frcuser/headless-ds/ /usr/bin/team team number utility
/home/frcuser/headless-ds/index.php /var/www/html/index.php web config page
/home/frcuser/headless-ds/ab-logo.png /var/www/html/ab-logo.png Armabot logo via web config
/home/frcuser/headless-ds/dietpi-banner /DietPi/dietpi/func/dietpi-banner ssh login banner
/sbin/ifconfig /usr/bin/ifconfig ifconfig through frcuser
  1. Ensure that the Apache web server can access the symlinked files by changing the owner to www-data. Execute the following:
  • chown -R www-data /home/frcuser/headless-ds/
  • chmod -R g+s /home/frcuser/headless-ds/
  1. Start the service by running sudo systemctl start headless-ds.service
  2. Have the service start on bootup/startup by running sudo systemctl enable headless-ds.service

Install Script

The included script will perform steps 22-33 if placed in the correct /home/frcuser/headless-ds folder. The Git repository should be present in its entirety before this time. Run as sudo.


The "Update Device" button on the web dashboard will update the headless-ds with any new software published. The latest version will automatically be downloaded and applied. This requires an internet connection.


  • Use the web interface at http://headless-ds.local
  • SSH into the Pi: ssh [email protected] if on the same network and running an mdns resolver.
  • Restart the Pi: sudo systemctl reboot -i
  • Reload systemctl configuration: sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  • Start/Stop/Restart/View logs (service): sudo systemctl <start|stop|restart|status> headless-ds.service
  • Check the packet output with a packet analyzer (tshark, a CLI of Wireshark)
    • Run tshark -c 100 -Y "udp". Check for packets directed at the RoboRIO address (typically 10.TE.AM.2) or of length 6. If you see a bunch of TCP discovery requests, the device can't find the RoboRIO but has a "correct" network configuration. If you don't see anything relevant, either the network is set up incorrectly or the packets aren't being sent for some reason.
  • If the service doesn't run, try changing the "User" and "Group" in the service file to the same as the owner/user of the python script. If set up correctly, they should both be "root". If not, run ls -la /home/frcuser/ The two names on the left should be the same as those in the service, editable by running nano /lib/systemd/system/headless-ds.service. Reload the systemctl configuration and restart the service to save the changes.
  • If everything looks fine but no packets are being sent, libnss-mdns may not have been installed. To install it without having the pi connected to the internet, download it, scp it onto the pi, and use dpkg to install it. For other packages, the architecture is armhf, and Armbian is Debian-based, so any Debian packages built for armhf should work.
    • wget
    • scp libnss-mdns_0.10-8_armhf.deb [email protected]:.
    • ssh [email protected]
    • dpkg -i libnss-mdns_0.10-8_armhf.deb

Making Copies

  1. Insert the working SD card to a linux computer
  2. (Optional) If the primary partition is larger than the SD card you want to copy to and has space left over, it should be resized before copying. To do this, use gparted on a GUI-based Linux distro with the partition in question unmounted. The same can be done from the command line using a combination of resize2fs, e2fsck, and lvresize.
  3. Find the end sector of the partition desired to copy. To do this, run fdisk -l. Look for the partition you want, and record the number under "End". That number plus one is the number to be entered as the count parameter in the following dd command.
  4. Run sudo dd bs=512 if=<sdDeviceName> of=<pathToOutImgFile> status=progress count=<last sector of primary partition + 1> to get a .img file, an exact copy of the leading space and primary partition with offset (the 910 MiB = 954MB partition, the main one). We want to copy the partition and the space in front of it, giving the device as much space as possible. Note that the img file is not mountable because it encompasses an offset partition. The device name can be found using steps 4 and 5 above. The path to img file can be whatever you want.
  5. Remove the SD card and insert another SD card, the one you want to copy to.
  6. Run the command in reverse, swapping if and of, but making sure your partitions are not mounted.
  • To unmount a partition, run umount /dev/mmcblk0pX as root


Allows FRC robots to enable over ethernet







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